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Content archived on 2024-05-29
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Also in this issue
Category: Health
- Spongy bones diagnosis more accessible
- Elderly care in Estonia
- Studies of family carers of older people
- Bumble bee parasite under the microscope
- Modelling dietary toxicity data for pesticides
- Disease resistance genes tracked in sheep
- Intelligent plant breeding
- Optimising milk production
- Relief for neurogenic incontinence
- Prediction power for Map transmission
- ID cards for tracking lame cows
- Fitness for autonomous living of the elderly
- Helping Alpine farmers
- Computing optimal food freezing and thawing conditions
- Chemical models predict toxicity
- Knowledge dissemination on paratuberculosis
- Optimising sheep populations
- Motor cortex mirrors action
- Antibiotic resistance in Asian fish farms
- Addressing the rural-urban divide
- Getting rid of the worm in your apple
Category: Climate Change and Environment
Climate Change and Environment
- Handbook on participatory river basin management
- Plant responses to global environmental change
- Unlocking the secrets of the global carbon cycle
- Assessing India's peri-urban needs
- Grid-enabled air pollution modelling
- Space applications for environmental monitoring
- Modelling climate change
- Rescue remedy for water resources in Egypt
- 2050: A City Odyssey
- Case studies of urban water supply
- Monitoring landslide prone areas
- Improved humidity extraction
Category: Digital Economy
Digital Economy
- Towards high-definition telepresence
- Innovative software for hip replacement modelling
- Visualising speech technology
- Increasing the number of active wireless devices
- Motion planning for virtual entities
- Beyond the CMOS scaling limit
- Adaptive modulation for wireless communication systems
- Sense of touch
- Algebraic geometry as a source of inspiration for designers
- Paving the way to 4G communication systems
- Determining plant suitability to light or shade
- Nanoresonators for high resolution mass detection
- Designing augmented human-plant interactions
- Effective high temperature circuit testing
- Smart PCs for the visually impaired
Category: Industrial Technologies
Industrial Technologies
- Reaction bonding for silicon carbide
- Studying self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures
- Nano-probing liquids
- Spinel for coating is like the ruby of jewels
- Underpinning mobile telecomm through advanced filters
- Upgrading high energy, ultra-fast experiments
- Cutting costs of public address
- Advanced science for improved ceramics
- Introducing noiseless tool design
- Improving quality in consumer products
- For more reliable computerised inspection of grinding parts
- New age optical sensors for breath analysis
- Mini-machines for micro-manufacturing
- New formula magnesium coatings
- Minimising power consumption in finish grinding
- Increasing comfort on board
- Eco-friendly methods for cleaning industrial equipment
European Union, 2025