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XSpectra: The Most Advanced Real Time Food Contaminants Detector

Descrizione del progetto

Un rilevatore a raggi X per alimenti sicuri

Le ispezioni per la sicurezza alimentare non riescono sempre a rilevare le contaminazioni in tempo. Il rilevamento è un processo che, spesso, richiede numerosi e svariati esami di laboratorio. Il progetto XSpectra, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando una tecnologia a raggi X in grado di esaminare in tempo reale le caratteristiche fisico-chimiche dei materiali. Ciò consentirà ai responsabili delle ispezioni di rilevare immediatamente i corpi estranei, che non sono individuabili mediante l’impiego della tecnologia attuale. Questa tecnologia, basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, migliora la sicurezza, riduce i costi e i tempi e contribuisce a prevenire la produzione di rifiuti nell’industria alimentare. Il progetto collauderà l’omonima tecnologia in una linea di produzione finalizzata a rendere un prodotto industriale pronto per la commercializzazione.


Xnext is a small Italian high-tech company that has the ambition of revolutionizing the quality inspection in the food sector and the ultimate goal of providing a decisive contribution for the solution of food contamination problems. We aim at succeeding thanks to XSpectra®, the most advanced real time inspection detector. XSpectra® is a disruptive technology as it overcomes all the weaknesses of conventional technologies, thus determining a relevant technological leap compared to all the existing solutions. Based on X-ray multi-spectrum analysis, XSpectra® is capable, like no other technology, to analyze real time the physical-chemical features of the materials and identify foreign bodies currently not detectable. The result of over 8 years of R&D, it’s a very complex system, combining 3 high innovations, all industrialized in-house: Photonics, Nuclear Electronics and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. XSpectra® is beneficial for the food producers as it improves significantly the production efficiency (minimizing the product batch discard as well as the costs for product recalls); for the consumer as it guarantees the highest safety standards for the quality of foodstuff; for the environment as it helps to reduce significantly the amount of wasted food from the production line. XSpectra® has successfully completed the industrial prototype testing and is now installed for a field test on a production line. At the end of the project we will release the final industrial product and begin the commercialization worldwide. Thanks to high versatility of the system and the chemical-physical characterization capability, XSpectra® can be applied in several other fields: Pharma, Non-Destructive-Tests, material recycling, security controls, just to mention a few. Xnext intends to exploit the cash generation coming from the application in the food sector to support the application of XSpectra® in other sectors that also need to improve the quality standar

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 276 722,88
20127 MILANO

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 3 279 961,25