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Gas-Only internal combustion engines

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Final workshop to discuss project results, open for automotive experts

Full comprehensive description of benefits and affordability of technologies developped in the project and useful for next generation of CNG only engines with simultaneously high performance and fuel economy


Ignition- and combustion concepts for lean operated passenger car natural gas engines

Autores: Patrik Soltic, Thomas Hilfiker, Severin Hänggi, Richard Hutter, Michael Weissner
Publicado en: FKFS Conference Proceedings, Edición Conference Gas-Fuel Powered Vehicles, Stuttgart, 2017
Editor: FKFS

Advanced Combustion Process for Passenger Car Gas Engines

Autores: Patrik Soltic
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Empa
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31106.58561

Ignition- and combustion concepts for lean operated passenger car natural gas engines

Autores: Patrik Soltic, Thomas Hilfiker, Severin Hänggi, Richard Hutter
Publicado en: Conference on Combustion Research, Edición September 07, 2017, 2017
Editor: ETH
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30687.15529

3-Cylinder SI Engine with fully variable Valve Train UpValve on Intake and Exhaust Side

Autores: Breuer, Michael / Lauterbach, Martin / Schorn, Thorsten / Siebrandt, Sabine / Bartsch, Günter / Friedfeldt, Rainer / Heiter, Ulrich / Kramer, Ulrich
Publicado en: VDI-Berichte, Edición 2291, 2017, Página(s) 27-44, ISBN 978-3-18-092291-1
Editor: VDI-Verlag

FEV 2-stage VCR - A Solution for Future Emission Legislation and High Performance

Autores: H. Baumgarten, K. Habermann, T. Uhlmann, U. Schaffrath, A. Grieger, A. Schlosshauer
Publicado en: 7th Aachen Colloquium China Automobile and Engine Technology, Edición 15-17 November 2017, 2017
Editor: Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR

Processes and tools for the detailed layout of VCR-Systems

Autores: K. Habermann, M. Jesser, J. Lehmann, M. Plettenberg, U. Schaffrath, J. Scharf, T. Uhlmann
Publicado en: 1st International Conference on Variable Compression Ratio, Edición 7 & 8 February 2017, 2017
Editor: FEV Europe GmbH

Highly Efficient Natural Gas Engines

Autores: Massimo Ferrera
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, 2017
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2017-24-0059

CNG 2.0

Autores: Massimo Ferrera
Publicado en: CO2 reduction for transportation system, 2016
Editor: ATA conference

Thermodynamic advantages and challenges of a parallel sequential twin boosting system on a high efficiency 1.0 l CNG engine

Autores: M Sterr, S Slavic, I Sandor, N Al-Hasan, J Ehrhard (Continental Automotive GmbH) U Kramer, L Stump (Ford-Werke GmbH)
Publicado en: 13th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging, London, Edición 16.-18. May 2018, 2018
Editor: IMECH (UK)

Development of a New Combustion Engine Dedicated to Methane Operation

Autores: Carsten Weber, Ulrich Kramer, Rainer Friedfeldt, Helmut Ruhland, Frank Kraemer (Ford-Werke GmbH)
Publicado en: 39th International Vienna Motor Symposium, Edición May 2018, 2018
Editor: Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers

Methane Number Effect on the Efficiency of a Downsized, Dedicated, High Performance Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Direct Injection Engine

Autores: Ulrich Kramer, Thomas Lorenz, Christian Hofmann, Helmut Ruhland, Rolf Klein, Carsten Weber
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, Edición 2017, 2017
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2017-01-0776

Analysis of a Dual-Fuel Combustion Engine Fueled with Diesel Fuel and CNG in Transient Operating Conditions

Autores: Ireneusz Pielecha, Krzysztof Wislocki, Wojciech Cieslik, Przemyslaw Borowski, Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, 2016, Página(s) 1-11
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2016-01-2305

Influence of Gas Injector Postion on the Performance of a Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine

Autores: Pielecha Ireneusz, Wisłocki Krzysztof, Bueschke Wojciech, Cieślik Wojciech, Skowron Maciej
Publicado en: Conference Proceedings Fisita, Edición FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress 26-30 September, 2016, Página(s) 1-10
Editor: Fisita - International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies

Fuel Standardization Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Autores: Ulrich Kramer Ford-Werke GmbH, Massimo Ferrera Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A, Henning Künne Volkswagen AG, Herbert Knorr MAN Truck & Bus AG Per Hanarp Volvo GTT
Publicado en: Advanced Fuels for Sustainable Mobility Conference 2016, Edición Aachen (Germany) 11./12. Nov. 2016, 2016
Editor: FEV Aachen, Advanced Fuels for Sustainable Mobility Conference

Methane Fuels: European Automotive Fuel Quality and Standardization Requirements

Autores: Ulrich Kramer Ford-Werke GmbH, Massimo Ferrera Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A, Henning Künne Volkswagen AG, David Castro Moreira MAN Truck & Bus AG, Ingemar Magnusson Volvo GTT
Publicado en: Gas Powered Vehicles Conference, Edición Stuttgart (Germany), October 21st, 2015, 2015
Editor: IFKS Stuttgart, Gas Powered Vehicles Conference

Advanced Methods for Gas-Prechamber Combustion Research and Model Development

Autores: P. Kyrtatos, M. Bolla, S. Benekos, K. Bardis, G. Xu, M. Kotzagianni, Y. M. Wright, G. Giannakopoulos, C. E. Frouzakis, K. Boulouchos
Publicado en: 16th Conference “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine”, 2017
Editor: LEC

FINAL GASON WORKSHOP - key notes and WPs presentations

Autores: GasON consortium
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: GASON web site

Hybrid Powertrain with Methane Engine – the consequent Evolution

Autores: Harald Stoffels, Moritz Springer, Carsten Weber, Ulrich Kramer
Publicado en: 13. Internationale MTZ-Fachtagung Zukunftsantriebe, Frankfurt 2018, Edición 13. Internationale MTZ-Fachtagung Zukunftsantriebe, Frankfurt 2018, 2018
Editor: ATZ / MTZ Germany

Methan als Kraftstoff: Chancen und Herausforderungen

Autores: Ulrich Kramer
Publicado en: Runder Tisch Gasmobilität NRW, Düsseldorf, 25. April 2018, Edición Runder Tisch Gasmobilität NRW, Düsseldorf, 25. April 2018, 2018
Editor: Runder Tisch Gasmobilität NRW, Düsseldorf, 25. April 2018

Dedicated CNG / E-Methane Vehicles & Horizon 2020 „GasOn“ WP3 Status

Autores: Ulrich Kramer
Publicado en: Edición JEC WtW Study V5, 2017
Editor: JEC group (responsible for the JEC report (jointly ba y ACEA and CONCAVE)

Development of a C-segment vehicle dedicated to methane operation

Autores: Ulrich Kramer, Harry Schuele
Publicado en: 13th Conference on Gaseous-Fuel Powered Vehicles, 2019, Edición 13th Conference on Gaseous-Fuel Powered Vehicles, 2019, 2019
Editor: FKFS - Forschungsinstitut für Kraftfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren Stuttgart

Future of E-Fuels

Autores: Ulrich Kramer
Publicado en: GAT-WAT DVGW Congress, Cologne, 2017, Edición GAT-WAT DVGW Congress, Cologne, 2017, 2018
Editor: DVGW

Optimized Driving Cycle Oriented Control for a Highly Turbocharged Gas Engine

Autores: Vit Dolecek, Jiri Vavra, Marcel Skarohlid
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, Edición 2019-01-0193, 2019, Página(s) 1-9, ISSN 0148-7191
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0193

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Pre-Chamber Combustion Systems for Lean Burn Gas Engines

Autores: Evgeniy Shapiro, Nick Tiney, Panagiotis Kyrtatos, Maria Kotzagianni, Michele Bolla, Konstantinos Boulouchos, Gunesh Tallu, Gwendal Lucas, Michael Weissner
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, Edición 2019-01-0260, 2019
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0260

Numerical Study of Turbulence and Fuel-Air Mixing within a Scavenged Pre-Chamber Using RANS and LES

Autores: Michele Bolla, Evgeniy Shapiro, Nick Tiney, Panagiotis Kyrtatos, Maria Kotzagianni, Konstantinos Boulouchos
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, Edición 2019-01-0198, 2019
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0198

Numerical Simulations of Pre-Chamber Combustion in an Optically Accessible RCEM

Autores: Michele Bolla, Evgeniy Shapiro, Nick Tiney, Panagiotis Kyrtatos, Maria Kotzagianni, Konstantinos Boulouchos
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, Edición 2019-01-0224, 2019
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0224

Flame-wall interaction modelling for pre-chamber combustion in lean burn gas engines

Autores: I. Hernández, E. Shapiro, N. Tiney, M. Kotzagianni, P. Kyrtatos, K. Boulouchos
Publicado en: 35th International CAE Conference and Exhibition: The Engineering Simulation Path to Digital Transformation (CAE 2018), 2019
Editor: International CAE Conference and Exhibition

Transferability of Insights from Fundamental Investigations into Practical Applications of Prechamber Combustion Systems

Autores: P. Kyrtatos, K. Bardis, M. Bolla, A. Denisov, Y. Wright, K. Herrmann, K. Boulouchos
Publicado en: Ignition Systems for Gasoline Engines : 4th International Conference, 2018, Página(s) 442-459, ISBN 978-3-8169-3449-3
Editor: expert Verlag, Tübingen
DOI: 10.5445/ir/1000088611

Numerical Investigation of Spark Ignition Processes in Natural Gas Engines with the Advanced Spark Ignition Model

Autores: Gunesh Tallu, Michael Frambourg, Matthieu Provier, Michael Weißner, Axel Winkler Volkswagen AG
Publicado en: 4. Internationale Tagung Zündsysteme für Ottomotoren, 2018
Editor: IAV

GasOn: A lean CNG combustion for highest engine efficiencies above 43% utilising an ignition chamber

Autores: M. Weißner, F. Beger, C. Klüting, G. Lucas, Volkswagen AG T. Hilfiker, Empa
Publicado en: SAE: CO2 reduction Congress Torino 2018, Edición 2018, 2018
Editor: SAE

CFD-based Development of an Ignition Chamber for a lean and high efficient CNG Combustion

Autores: G. Lucas, G. Tallu, M. Weißner Volkswagen AG
Publicado en: Thiesel Conference 2018, 2018
Editor: University of Valencia

A lean CNG combustion for highest engine efficiencies above 43% utilising an ignition chamber

Autores: M. Weißner, F. Beger, C. Klüting, G. Lucas, Volkswagen AG T. Hilfiker, Empa
Publicado en: EAGLE Conference, Edición 11/2018, 2018
Editor: EAGLE Project

Advanced Ignition Modelling for Pre-chamber Combustion in Lean Burn Gas Engines

Autores: Evgeniy Shapiro, Irufan Ahmed, Nick Tiney Ricardo
Publicado en: IAV Zündungstagung 2018, 2018
Editor: IAV

EU-Project: GasOn - Lean CNG Combustion Process

Autores: Michael Weißner, Volkswagen AG
Publicado en: EUCAR Conference 2018, Edición 11/2018, 2018
Editor: EUCAR

EU-Project: GasOn - Lean CNG Combustion Process

Autores: Michael Weißner, Volkswagen AG
Publicado en: EUCAR Conference 2017, Edición 11/2017, 2017
Editor: EUCAR

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Diluted Combustion in a Direct Injection CNG Engine Featuring Post- Euro-VI Fuel Consumption Targets

Autores: Mirko Baratta, Daniela Misul, Prashant Goel, Danilo Laurenzano, Betrand Lecointe, Loic Rouleau, Frederic Ravet, Panagiotis Christou
Publicado en: SAE Technical Paper Series, 2018
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2018-01-1142

CNG direct injection spark-ignition engine with high turbulence and high compression ratio: numerical and experimental investigations

Autores: Loïc Rouleau, David Serrano, Bertrand Lecointe, Frédéric Ravet, Gilles Coma, Panos Christou
Publicado en: FKFS conference proceedings - 12TH Conference Gaseous-Fuel Powered Vehicles, 2017
Editor: FKFS

EU-Project GasOn: Lean CNG Combustion Process

Autores: Michael Weißner
Publicado en: Future Mobility Days, Edición 30.06.2017, 2017
Editor: Volkswagen

Development of an Optimized Methane Engine for Passenger Cars

Autores: Ulrich Kramer, Carsten Weber, Helmut Ruhland, Frank Kraemer
Publicado en: MTZ Motorentechnische Zeitschrift 05/2019, Edición MTZ Motorentechnische Zeitschrift 05/2019, 2019, Página(s) 44 - 47, ISSN 0024-8525
Editor: Friedr. Vieweg and Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Investigations on gas-air mixture formation in the ignition chamber of two-stage combustion chamber using high-speed Schlieren imaging

Autores: Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron, Krzysztof Wislocki
Publicado en: MATEC Web of Conferences, Edición 118, 2017, Página(s) 00012, ISSN 2261-236X
Editor: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711800012

Turbulent spark-jet ignition in SI gas fuelled engine

Autores: Ireneusz Pielecha, Wojciech Bueschke, Wojciech Cieślik, Maciej Skowron
Publicado en: MATEC Web of Conferences, Edición 118, 2017, Página(s) 00010, ISSN 2261-236X
Editor: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711800010

Turbocharging of high performance compressed natural gas SI engine for light duty vehicle

Autores: Marcel Skarohlid, Jiri Vavra
Publicado en: MECCA Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars. 2018, 2018(1), 2018, ISSN 1214-0821
Editor: Czech Technical University in Prague
DOI: 10.1515/mecdc-2018-0001

Development of a High Performance Natural Gas Engine with Direct Gas Injection and Variable Valve Actuation

Autores: Mirko Baratta, Daniela Misul, Jiajie Xu, Alois Fuerhapter, Rene Heindl, Cesare Peletto, Jean Preuhs, Patrick Salemi
Publicado en: SAE International Journal of Engines, Edición 10/5, 2017, Página(s) 2535-2551, ISSN 1946-3944
Editor: SAE International
DOI: 10.4271/2017-24-0152

Comparative study on combustion characteristics of lean premixed CH4/air mixtures in RCM using spark ignition and turbulent jet ignition in terms of orifices angular position change

Autores: Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron, Krzysztof Wislocki, Filip Szwajca
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 36-41, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-105

Novel thermal method for determining properties of compressed natural gas

Autores: Stephan Heinrich, Markus Hien, Thorsten Knittel, Josef Muggli
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 54-60, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-107

Numerical study of fuel and turbulence distributions in an automotive-sized scavenged pre-chamber

Autores: Michelle Bola, Evgenij Shapiro, Maria Kotzagianni, Panagiotis Kyrtatos, Nick Tiney, Konstantinos Boulouchos
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 61-67, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-108

Experimental comparison of efficiency and emission levels of four-cylinder lean-burn passenger car-sized CNG engines with different ignition concepts

Autores: Patric Soltic, Thomas Hilfiker, Richard Hutter, Severin Hanggi
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 27-35, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-104

Control-oriented analysis of a lean-burn light-duty natural gas research engine with scavenged pre-chamber ignition

Autores: Severin Hanggi, Thomas Hilfiker, Patric Soltic, Richard Hutter, Christopher Onder
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 42-53, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-106

Optical investigation of prechamber combustion in an RCEM

Autores: Maria Kotzagianni, Panagiotis Kyrtatos, Konstantinos Boulouchos
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 10-15, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-102

Lean-burn CNG engine with ignition chamber: from the idea to a running engine

Autores: Michael Weißner, Frank Beger, Martin Schüttenhelm, Gunesh Tallu
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 3-9, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-101

Prechamber optimal selection for a two stage turbulent jet ignition type combustion system in CNG-fuelled engine

Autores: Ireneusz Pielecha, Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron, Lukasz Fiedkiewicz, Filip Szwajca, Wojciech Cieslik, Krzysztof Wislocki
Publicado en: Combustion Engines, Edición 176(1), 2019, 2019, Página(s) 16-26, ISSN 2300-9896
Editor: Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
DOI: 10.19206/ce-2019-103

Optical study on spark plug discharge in the two-stage combustion system in terms of prechamber-specific charge motion

Autores: Wojciech Bueschke, Maciej Skowron, Krzysztof Wislocki
Publicado en: Archivum Combustionis, 2019, ISSN 0208-4198
Editor: Polish Academy of Sciences

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