Neue Spiel-Arm- und Fußbänder halten Spielefans fit
Adipositas und eine sitzende Lebensweise hängen direkt zusammen. Um fit zu bleiben, sind täglich mindestens 30 Minuten moderate körperliche Aktivität und eine gesunde Ernährung erforderlich. Das Fitnesslevel lässt sich zum Beispiel steigern, indem Menschen dafür sensibilisiert werden, wie viel Bewegung notwendig ist und wie viel sie sich wirklich bewegen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Atomic Bands baut auf der Beliebtheit von Spielen auf, um die Fitness zu verbessern. Das Projektteam hat die intelligenten Atomic Bands entwickelt, die spielerisch zum Bewegen anregen sollen und via Bluetooth funktionieren. Mit diesen Wearables, die am Handgelenk oder den Knöcheln getragen werden, können Spielefans überall spielen und müssen sich nicht im Kamerabereich aufhalten. Sie können sich überall hinbewegen und bleiben trotzdem im Spiel.
Exercise is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle however most people don’t enjoy exercise because it is
either too time consuming or not intellectually stimulating. 97% of people believe in the need for physical fitness, however
less than 5% of adults participate in the recommended minimum 30 minutes of exercise each day, while 75% of kids get less
than 1 hour of exercise per day. Obesity of the general population expected to reach 9.1% of the population in 2020 equating
to approximately 750 million people. With an increasing number of available game types and methods of gameplay, over 700
million people worldwide play video games. Mainstream gaming systems have an additional motion tracking hardware that
can be purchased in conjunction to expensive consoles. These devices however, only monitor and project physical
movement as opposed to teaching and correcting movement.
The Funky Bots Atomic Bands offer a cheap alternative to the mainstream gaming consoles and provide access to a large
fitness/gaming library at no added cost. The device comes equipped with a heart rate monitor, calorie counter, and state of
the art motion algorithms for tracking, logging, coaching, and analysis of physical performance. Funky Bots is initially
targeting users whom are prone to martial arts and dancing, however as the product gains market traction, the diversity of
augmented reality games will attract users of all sports and fitness levels.
During the phase 1 feasibility assessment, Funky Bots will perform an in depth market analysis, establish a go-to-market
strategy, and run a small scale user-experience test. Further development plan and industrialisation strategy will also be
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicinepsychiatry
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesartificial intelligencecomputer visionmotion analysis
- medical and health scienceshealth sciencesnutritionobesity
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware applicationssimulation software
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware applicationsvideo games
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SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Koordinator
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