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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary


Description du projet

Défendre les insectes comestibles

Le réchauffement climatique, une population croissante et le changement des modes de consommation mettent à l’épreuve le système de production alimentaire. En réaction aux besoins croissants des agriculteurs, des producteurs et des consommateurs, l’UE cherche des solutions. Le projet NextGenProteins, financé par l’UE, a identifié des microalgues, des protéines unicellulaires et des insectes comme sources prometteuses de protéines alternatives. Il s’agit d’associer des micro-organismes comestibles à des technologies émergentes. Il est possible de produire des protéines grâce à des processus de bioconversion innovateurs et durables sur le plan environnemental qui utilisent des flux de déchets industriels, provoquent des répercussions environnementales réduites et minimisent la pression exercée sur les ressources naturelles. NextGenProteins s’efforcera de renforcer l’acceptabilité et la confiance des consommateurs vis-à-vis des protéines et des processus alternatifs. Dans l’ensemble, cela permettra d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, la viabilité et l’autosuffisance de la production européenne de protéines.


Demand for proteins is increasing for food and feed applications. To meet the increasing demand, production will have to double by 2050. However, current protein production, both animal- and vegetal based, has severe negative environmental impacts in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, land and water use, as well as biodiversity loss. The EU is not self-sufficient when it comes to protein production and a large proportion of the demand is met with imported proteins with concerns regarding food security and the general competitiveness of the EU. It is therefore of vital importance to find sustainable alternative protein sources that can be economically produced in quantities that meet growing food and feed sectors. NextGenProteins has identified microalgae, single cell protein and insects as three promising sources of alternative proteins that can be produced through innovative and environmentally sustainable bioconversion processes using industrial waste streams. These processes cause limited environmental impacts and pressure on natural resources. Through collaboration between industry and RTD, the project will address key barriers that currently prohibit or limit the application of the three alternative proteins in food and feed, such as production scalability and optimisation, production costs, value chain risks, safety, regulations and consumer trust and acceptance. The project will demonstrate the suitability and economic viability of the alternative proteins in food and feed value chains and explore their market opportunities with the industry, stakeholders, policy makers and consumers. NextGenProteins will find means to improve the acceptability and trust of consumers towards alternative proteins and processes. The project will contribute to strengthening food security, sustainability and self-sufficiency of EU protein production with future-proof supply, as well as long-term reduction of land use, water use, GHG emissions and energy of EU food sector.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

Appel à propositions


Voir d’autres projets de cet appel

Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 760 987,53
Coût total
€ 1 760 987,53

Participants (24)