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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advancing European Aquaculture by Genome Functional Annotation


Genomik: Der Weg zur Sicherung der Zukunft europäischer Aquakultur

Die Aquakultur, das kontrollierte Verfahren für die Aufzucht von Wasserorganismen, ist der weltweit am schnellsten wachsende Sektor der Lebensmittelproduktion. Die Aufrechterhaltung der Fischgesundheit ist entscheidend für eine effektive Produktion, doch Infektionskrankheiten stellen eine ständige Bedrohung dar. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AQUA-FAANG zielt darauf ab, unser Verständnis der Genomfunktion und der Anwendung der Genotyp-zu-Phänotyp-Vorhersage bei den sechs wichtigsten Fischarten in der europäischen Aquakultur zu verbessern. Wenn wir verstehen, wie das komplette Genom des Fisches gesteuert wird, können Schlüsselprobleme wie z. B. Infektionskrankheiten angegangen werden. Dies kann in der Folge zu einer nachhaltigen und profitablen Aquakulturproduktion führen. Das Projekt wird ein Konsortium von Fachleuten ins Leben rufen, um ein langfristiges interaktives Zentrum der genombiologischen Grundlagenforschung aufzubauen.


Recent developments in genomics have advanced innovation in European aquaculture. However, despite the creation of reference quality genome sequences for the main species, our understanding of genome functions remains limited. AQUA-FAANG will deliver a step improvement in understanding of genome function and exploitation of genotype-to-phenotype prediction in the six most important European farmed fish species. The project brings together world-leading interdisciplinary expertise and industry partners providing direct pathways to commercial exploitation. AQUA-FAANG will functionally annotate the genomes of all six species, employing standardized experimental assays and analysis pipelines defined by the FAANG initiative. AQUA-FAANG datasets will be shared and coordinated with other FAANG initiatives via the FAANG data coordination centre, and made available through the Ensembl genome browser. As infectious disease is of paramount concern for sustainable aquaculture, the project focuses on understanding functional genomic regions in both healthy and immune-challenged fish. This will improve knowledge of the genomic basis for disease resistance and is complemented by novel approaches to increase understanding of immune cell heterogeneity. Standardized comparative analyses will provide essential insights into genome functions that cannot be gained from study of single species. Functional assays will be used to study intermediate phenotypes and prioritise causative genetic variants in trait-associated genomic regions to accelerate selection of disease-resistant stocks. Functionally-enriched marker panels will be developed to improve accuracy of genomic selection. An active programme of stakeholder engagement and dissemination will ensure uptake of project outputs by industry, academia, the public and in policy. The outputs will enhance precision breeding, drive competitiveness within the aquaculture sector, and enhance food and nutrition security in Europe.

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€ 1 810 394,75
1433 As

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Norge Oslo og Viken Viken
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 106 719,75

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