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SYncronising EEA to CoM and other EU initiatives (SCIS-EIP, CEN-ISO,S3...) about energy and climate policies to accompany more and more tuned municipalities in their 2030 performance

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Collection of e-Newsletters

In order to provide adequate visibility to CoME EASY a regular enewsletter PDF Documents will be published every 6 months It will be disseminated online to all partners especially those registered to the fellows club or who state a particular interest in the Project aims and outcomes All newsletters will be collected and provided

open platform: creation of the platform with project webpage and structure to host future materials

the open platform to be developed as part of the EEA website will be designed and structured to host the contents that will be provided by the following WPs

Final publishable project report

A final publishable project report covering all the work objectives results and conclusions will be developed by month 36

Collection of LoIs from further municipalities

For the rollout phase of the adapted package WP 4 further interested local authorities in the partner countries are selected within those who will sign a LoIAll the LoIs received will be collected in a documentIt is related to task 35

Dissemination and communication plan

This plan will contain a detailed description of the dissemination strategy task 51

Report and evidences on training courses

Using the training material developed in WP3 a training course for advisors will be carried out in each participating nation task 41 a report about the description and the results of the training will be provided

Report on Ambassadors achievements monitoring

The actual evaluation of the impacts that the specific implemented projects have at the city level will be carried out and reportedThe impact will be evaluated with different tools EEA MEIs KPIs and from different perspectives to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the SECAPs complex strategy and integrated actions

Complete collection of best practices for the open platform

Complete collection of best practices for the open platform a set of high quality best practices from networks and fellow cities will be selected for disseminationIt is related to task 34

Report on events and information materials for municipalities

The report will illustrate activities related to task 33 where Specific information about tools and procedures for those municipalities that will implement the project package will be collected in a working manual Informational events will be organized in each participating nation in collaboration with Ambassadors and all relevant stakeholders involved in the project

Report on KPIs calculations for Ambassador cities

During the BEI and SECAP development, the Ambassador municipalities collect necessary data for calculation of KPIs.

Guidelines and materials for the stakeholders’ engagement

Guidelines and materials collection for the stakeholders’ engagement: information materials about methodologies for stakeholders participation in decions making processes will be collected capitalizing partners’ experience and provided to advisors and cities

First best practices collection to populate the open source library

in every Ambassador municipality 3 best practices are collected during the BEI and SECAP development and filledin the template developed under task 13 in English

Report on national communication activities

A report will be developed on national communication activities including published Articles Minutes and LOP of National Conferences Leaflets posters video pills webinars lists and other dissemination materialsThe full list will be submitted at the end of the action but the Agency will be kept informed by email every time a text is produced or an event scheduledThe monitoring statistics of facebook and twitter activities will be included

Report on the similarities/differences between the EEA and the EU initiatives

ENCO will develop a template for comparison of the via desk research available tools templates and guidelines In addition ENCO will prepare a questionnaire for interviewing the cities about the initiatives they apply and possible interlinkages between several initiativesAfter collecting all information theoretical based and practical based the results will be evaluated against the different technical and administrative aspects between the initiatives but also in particular compared to the EEA process The evaluation will cover targets procedures templatesreporting schemes the reporting dues for municipalities available support benefits and barriers

project website

The project website hosting the platform will be illustrated and its functionalities explained in a reportContents will be developed and provided to WP1 D18 to be published on the platform first version M6 and regular updates The full list of the links to other websites partners ambassadors networks will be included

Dissemination and communication plan updated

The 51 plan about the dissemination strategy task 51 will be updated at M18

Template for the best practices description

A standard template to describe the best practices will be developed and made available for the data collection foreseen in the following tasks

Report on the KPIs set selection

Analysis of the harmonized KPIs sets in use in the most important EU initiatives projects and selection of the COME EASY set

Reports (agenda, participants, presentations) on international meetings

A full report including agenda participants presentations on international meetings related to task 63 will be delivered at month 31 the Agency will be provided with materials by email every time they are produced

Final version of the open source tools and procedures

Based on WP1 and the experience and community feedback gained in WP 2 the tools and procedures are finalized and made available in the platform


CoME EASY—Synchronizing European Energy Award with Other Initiatives. Case Study: Romanian Local Communities

Autori: Chiara Tavella, Charlotte Spoerndli, Dorin Beu, Andrei Ceclan
Pubblicato in: Energies, Numero 14/19, 2021, Pagina/e 6248, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14196248

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