CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Harmonized metadata scheme as a diagram/plot including explanations as a blog-post
Integration list of dataIEG will integrate a list of data for the VRE in a descending order of priority.
Manual and online guidance for producing docutubesManual and online guidance for teachers educators teenagers themselves on the production of docutubes
Compilation of content related text clippings 1Contentrelated text clippings from the sources under investigation enriched with an introduction short comments and additional media for example pictures maps These clippings are mainly addressed to teenagers since they will be used when preparing the docutubes
Report for follow-up steps docutubesA report on followup steps based on the assessment of the pilots and tests This will be a basis for the policy briefs and workshops in WP6
Database relevant policy actorsDatabase identifying relevant policy actors and policies in Europe on a regional national and European level
Online manual VREOnline manual with explanations to used standards
Compilation of content related text clippings 2The text clippings will consist of illustrations and reports for use in the docutubes, compiled from T3.1, T3.2, T3.3 and T3.4.
Infrastructure diagramPublication of the infrastructure diagram
Report on the CorpusThis report will make an overview of the peace treaties and agreements and their sources to be studied in WP2.
Badged Open CourseA Badged Open Course Educating for Religious Diversity
Compilation of materials for docutubesA compilation of material to be used in the production of the docutubes, including textual, visual and video material, and supporting material on the methods for analysing such material.
WebsiteRETOPEA’s website will be a tool for both Communication and Dissemination. The site will be used to communicate news about the project, and to host material such as the versions of the docutubes. The website will also enable access to the Virtual Research Environment and the Badged Open Course.
Online pulication 2 on outcomes of mid-term meeting GranadaThe online publication will consist of conference papers, historical sources and other project material related to historical and contemporary representations of religious coexistence.
A report with integrated conclusions dealing around issues related to religion peace and public dialogue and with particular attention to gendersensitive affairs and conflict resolution
Progress report (year 3)Progess report individual researchers year 3
A series of reports on historical peace treaties and agreementsThese reports on historical religious treaties and agreements are addressed to teachers and advisors providing comments background information and additional source material for the production of docutubes These reports will deal with Confessionalisation territorial segregation religious toleration and the secularization of international relations IEGDomestic secularism and religious freedom IEGToleration and inequality in Muslim lands with a diverse population UKIMKULFreedom of religion as a combination of divine imperative Enlightened pragmatism IEGFreedom of religion beyond tolerance nonexclusive views on religion and spirituality KULHuman Rights Freedom of religion privatization of religion UKIMKULReligion in International Law Assimilation Minority protection and deportations UKIMOUKUL
Individual exploitation plans researchersA series of plans describing the opportunities for exploitation that arise during and after the project. The plans will draw attention to data, knowledge and IPR management.
Report about the data integration of the docutubesPreliminary report policy recommendations T3.3
This report will contain recommendations about religious diversity in political discourse.
Report of the standardised workflowsReport of the standardised workflows as blog-posts or wiki entries for all user groups
Evaluation report 2Evaluation third consortium meeting in Warsaw including minutes of the Steering Committee The evaluation report will not only evaluate what has been done so far but also formulate recommendations for further research and change It will serve as basis for the second periodic report
Evaluation report 3Evaluation final consortium meeting in Skopje including minutes of the Steering Committee The report will evaluate the overall research project and formulate recommendations for postproject followup It will serve as basis for the third periodic report
Evaluation report 1Evaluation second consortium meeting in Granada, including minutes of the Steering Committee. The evaluation report will not only evaluate what has been done so far, but also formulate recommendations for further research and change. It will serve as basis for the first periodic report.
Intermediate report internal meeting 2Intermediate report of the internal meeting of WP3, evaluating the first research results on historical and present representations of religious coexistence.
Progress report (year 2)Progress reports of the individual researchers year 2.
Preliminary report policy recommendations T3.2This report will contain recommendations for popular media.
Progress report (year 1)First annual progress reports of the individual researchers
Report data integration of further databasesReport about the data integration of further databases with priorities during the project time
Final report policy recommendations WP3This report will collect some final recommendations about religious coexistence based on the research in WP3 and to be further developed in WP6.
Summary report conferences and workshopsThis report will provide an overview of all communication actions presented on the four project conferences and four accompanying stakeholder workshops
Summary report 3Report on the results of the policy roundtables
Report on the VREThis report will contain all necessary information for the construction and use of the VRE.
Preliminary report policy recommendations T3.4This report will contain recommendations for peaceful religious coexistence.
Report on tutorials on data integrationReport about the tutorial(s) on data integration
Policy report 2Report on the results of the Docutube Demonstration Sessions for education policy makers
Policy report 1Policy report on religious peace treaties coexistence and learning tools
Report data integration EGO databaseReport about the data integration of EGO database
Intermediate report internal meeting 1Intermediate report of the internal meeting of WP2, evaluating the first research results on historical peace treaties.
Dissemination PlanDissemination plan with implementation actions. The document will define specific dissemination activities to reach the different categories of stakeholders: this will include identifying relevant specialist journals, websites, mailing lists, and social media groups, and defining targets for reaching these channels. The plan will set a strategy to identify channels and targets for dissemination of RETOPEA’s research results, including academic journals and conferences.
Summary report 2Summary report on the results of the Webinars with focus on issues for policy roundtables
Progress report (year 4)Progress report individual researchers year 4
Report data integration peace treatiesReport about the data integration of Peace Treaties Databases
Report on current attitudes among teenagersA report on current attitudes to religious diversity among European teenagers downloadable from the project website (related to task 5.1)
Communication PlanCommunication plan with implementation actions. The plan will design both a media and a social media strategy. It will also design the visual identity and house style of the project.
Preliminary report policy recommendations T3.1This report will contain specific recommendations for religious representations in educational contexts
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Definition of the project's key performance indicators at the kick-off meeting in Mainz.
Data Management Plan, determining and explaining which of the generated research data will be open. RETOPEA will participate to the Pilot on Open Research Data. The plan will updated during the project in accordance with the project’s reflection on data management
Data Management (final version)Data Management Plan determining and explaining which of the generated research data will be open RETOPEA will participate to the Pilot on Open Research Data The plan will updated during the project in accordance with the projects reflection on data management
The online publication will consist of conference papers, historical sources and other project material related to historical peace treaties and agreements (WP2)
Stefanie Sinclair
Publicado en:
Urszula Pękala (ed.) Die monotheistischen Religionen und ihr Integrationspotential für die heutige Gesellschaft: Perspektiven – Herausforderungen – Lösungsansätze, Edición 2022, 2022, Página(s) 146-154, ISBN 9788395950766
Stiftung Kreisau für Europäische Verständigung
Lidija Georgieva, Naum Trajanovski and John Wolffe
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in the Europe = Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 137–158, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Laura Galián, John Maiden, Stefanie Sinclair and Árpád Welker
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 113–136, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Maiden, J., Sinclair, S., Salmesvuori, P., Van Nieuwenhuyse, K., Wolffe, J. (2022).
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 33-49, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Mikko Ketola, Ivan Stefanovski, Kaarel Kuurmaa and Riho Altnurme
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 91–112, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Lea Altnurme
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 191–206, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Nadia Hindi Mediavilla, Antonio Peláez Rovira and María Dolores Rodríguez Gómez
Publicado en:
Religious diversity in Europe: Mediating the past to the young, 2022, Página(s) 159–174, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Van Nieuwenhuyse, K., Maasing, M., Galián, L.
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 51-66, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Patrick Pasture and Christophe Schellekens
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 175-190, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Kuokkanen, Elina and Pasture, Patrick
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young, 2021, Página(s) 175-190, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Patrick Pasture
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 15-32, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Patrick Pasture
Publicado en:
The Making of Christianities in History - A Processing Approach, Edición 106, 2020, Página(s) 161-212, ISBN 978-2-503-58781-3
Brepols Publishers
"""Kayikci, M.R., Sztyma, T., Manasievska, M., Trajanovski, N."
Publicado en:
Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young, 2022, Página(s) 67-90, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
John Wolffe, John Maiden, Stefanie Sinclair, Katelin Teller
Publicado en:
Religions, Edición 15, 2024, Página(s) 1337, ISSN 2077-1444
Violet Soen and Bram De Ridder
Publicado en:
Low Countries Historical Review/BMGN, Edición 136 (4), 2021, Página(s) 27-57, ISSN 0165-0505
Riho Altnurme, Elena Arigita and Patrick Pasture (eds),
Publicado en:
2022, ISBN 978-1-3501-9858-6
Tamara Sztyma
Publicado en:
Muzealnictwo, Edición 60, 2019, Página(s) 55-63, ISSN 0464-1086
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