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A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention

Description du projet

Unir les forces internationales contre le virus Zika

Le virus Zika (ZIKV) qui se transmet par les moustiques a suscité de vives inquiétudes au niveau mondial à la suite d’une importante épidémie qui s’est déclarée en 2015. L’un des aspects les plus préoccupants du ZIKV est son lien avec des malformations congénitales, en particulier la taille réduite de la tête et du cerveau des enfants nés de mères infectées pendant la grossesse. L’initiative ZIKAlliance, financée par l’UE, entend appréhender l’impact de l’infection par le ZIKV pendant la grossesse et étudier l’histoire naturelle de l’infection humaine par le ZIKV. Le consortium adoptera une approche pluridisciplinaire pour étudier les populations de pays des Caraïbes, d’Amérique centrale et d’Amérique du Sud présentant des profils épidémiologiques différents. Son objectif à long terme est de renforcer les capacités de recherche et d’améliorer la préparation aux futures menaces épidémiques.


"ZIKAlliance is a multidisciplinary project with a global ""One Health"" approach, built: on a multi-centric network of clinical cohorts in the Caribbean, Central & South America; research sites in countries where the virus has been or is currently circulating (Africa, Asia, Polynesia) or at risk for emergence (Reunion Island); a strong network of European and Brazilian clinical & basic research institutions; and multiple interfaces with other scientific and public health programmes. ZIKAlliance will addrees three key objectives relating to (i) impact of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection during pregnancy and short & medium term effects on newborns, (ii) associated natural history of ZIKV infection in humans and their environment in the context of other circulating arboviruses and (iii) building the overall capacity for preparedness research for future epidemic threats in Latin America & the Caribbean. The project will take advantage of large standardised clinical cohorts of pregnant women and febrile patients in regions of Latin America and the Caribbean were the virus is circulating, expanding a preexisting network established by the IDAMS EU project. I will also benefit of a very strong expertise in basic and environmental sciences, with access to both field work and sophisticated technological infrastructures to characterise virus replication and physiopathology mechanisms. To meet its 3 key objectives, the scientific project has been organised in 9 work packages, with WP2/3 dedicated to clinical research (cohorts, clinical biology, epidemiology & modeling), WP3/4 to basic research (virology & antivirals, pathophysiology & animal models), WP5/6 to environmental research (animal reservoirs, vectors & vector control) , WP7/8 to social sciences & communication, and WP9 to management. The broad consortium set-up allow gathering the necessary expertise for an actual interdisciplinary approach, and operating in a range of countries with contrasting ZIKV epidemiological status."

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 285 366,30
75654 Paris

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 2 285 366,30

Participants (56)