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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

New approaches for community-driven sustainable mobility innovations at neighbourhood and urban district level

Description du projet

Favoriser l’innovation pour une mobilité urbaine et périurbaine durable

L’approche du transport et de la mobilité axés sur les personnes (people-oriented transport and mobility, POTM) offre une solution prometteuse pour relever les défis de la mobilité durable auxquels sont confrontées de nombreuses zones urbaines et périurbaines au sein de l’UE. Cependant, malgré son potentiel, on dispose actuellement de peu de solutions POTM transformatrices et de preuves de leur efficacité dans le cadre de la recherche et de l’innovation. Le projet Cities-4-People, financé par l’UE, a formé un consortium multidisciplinaire qui vise à introduire un cadre POTM piloté par la communauté et reposant sur des processus d’innovation participatifs, inclusifs et transparents. Ce cadre innovant répondra aux besoins réels des citoyens de l’UE et permettra de cocréer de nouveaux concepts et solutions de mobilité tout en exploitant l’innovation numérique et sociale. Le projet testera les meilleures solutions dans cinq zones urbaines de l’UE présentant une grande diversité en termes de taille, de densité de population et de contexte socio-économique.


People Oriented Transport and Mobility (POTM) holds a great promise for tackling some of the most persistent urban and peri-urban sustainable mobility challenges of common interest to EU cities. Even though researchers, practitioners and policy makers are aware of this potential, the current research and innovation framework is plagued by a surprising lack of evidence and transformative POTM solutions.
Cities-4-People brings together a multidisciplinary consortium to introduce a community-driven POTM framework based on participatory, inclusive and transparent innovation processes. We incorporate collective awareness and open innovation to understand the real needs of EU citizens and co-create new mobility solutions with them, harnessing digital and social innovation. Based on a local community setting and supported by cross-disciplinary teams and a comprehensive suite of collaborative technologies (both online and offline), citizens along with public and private city stakeholders will co-develop concepts and endorse concrete solutions – inspired by growing mobility trends (e.g. shared mobility and connected mobility). The best solutions will be put to the real test in a thorough pilot and scale up program in 5 different EU urban areas with rich diversity in terms of size, population density and socio-economic context. In parallel, the project will introduce an open process to co-develop a common Core Outcome Set of definitions, metrics, indicators and methods to guide POTM impact assessment and place, for the first time, the citizen into the equation. We will use this common baseline throughout our evaluations together with some less traditional techniques (e.g. people as sensors, real time user feedback). We believe that this work will act as the first open standard in POTM and will open up the way not only for the structuring of this young research field, but also for the attraction of interest from entrepreneurs, companies as well as investors (social or not).

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 666 330,00
2000 Frederiksberg

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Danmark Hovedstaden Byen København
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 666 330,00

Participants (13)