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Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Technology Brokerage
Scientific publications, presentations, posters
Research Roadmapping Workshop
Technology Appraisal Workshop

Technology Transfer Workshop

New Company / “NewCo”

For direct commercial exploitation a New Company (NewCo) will be created as a spin-off based on the UNEXMIN knowledge pool.

Robotic platform prototype requirement specification

Conversion of WP5 requirement specifications and related robotic functions into an overall architecture design of the multi-robot mine explorer system

Stakeholder requirement specifications

Project stakeholders and prospective future customers will together set the final user requirements for the Surveyor. Specifications will be defined.

Database specifications manual

Specification of database, data analysis, and visualisation software. Definition of required software programs/modules/components for integration of recorded data into a consistent and reliable database

Laboratory test reports of instrumentation units

Using the design specifications from WP1 a series of integration steps for the scientific instruments will be carried out considering all HW and SW components. Each component modules will be evaluated first in order to determine their workability in simulated environment, and also a calibration methodology will be developed.

Report on the prototype design validation workshop

The prototype design will be validated by the project stakeholders in particular future users and customers the consortium and the project Advisory Board This activity will be carried out at a dedicated workshop during which conceptual designs and simulations will be presented The Prototype validation workshop will be connected with a project meeting M12

Real environment test report of instrumentation units

Instruments originally tested in D2.3 will also be tested in a real-world environment, in a flooded mine in the North-East part of Hungary during a 5-day field mission

Sensors Acquisition and registration software prototype

Software prototype of Sensors Acquisition and registration

UX-1 Robot mechanics documentation
General interface specification report

The instruments selected for integration will have various power and data specifications, which will need to be harmonised in order to be compatible with robot’s general systems (data flow, power supplies, weight restrictions, etc), and also need to be able to provide a general interface standard for future sensor connectivity in an open source format.

Robotic platform prototype technical and mission specifications

COnversion of WP5 requirement specifications and related robotic functions into detailed conceptual subsystem solutions for the prototype robotic platform

Project reports
Data Management Plan
Research roadmap
Parameter framework report

The parameter framework will utilise input from WP3 taking into account of stakeholder requirements. The parameter framework will also determine the set of instruments that are available for the targeted applications, and identifies market availability and suitability for further development, adaptation and/or integration.

UX-1 Robot Software Architecture Report

Report on UX-1 Robot Software Architecture

Stakeholder engagement protocol

The types and overall profile of project stakeholders will be identified, engagement protocol going to be prepared.

Final project website
Press-releases and media kits
Three-dimensional Visualisation Software Suite Final version

hree-dimensional Visualisation Software Suite Final version


Brochures - many

Basic project website
3D simulation releases /Youtube/

3D simulation releases /Youtube or other video sharing platform/

Inventory of flooded mines

An on-line, public access inventory will be created of potential target mines in Europe. Primary focus will be on mines that cannot be surveyed by any other means due to complex typology or a range of depth that is below the range of scuba divers (max 50 m). Existing databases will be reviewed, Missing data will then be collected from mine authorities covering at least 24 countries, in which EFG members are present (Third Party contribution) also mobilising public access data available via Eurogeosurveys.

Data Management/Analysis Software Suite Final version
Field pilot documentary releases /Youtube/

Field pilot documentary releases /Youtube - or other webbased video sharing platform/


Mechanical design and analysis of a portable crane unit

Auteurs: Bravo Gutiérrez, Bastian
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Tampere University of Technology (Faculty of Engineering Sciences)

Depth control system on an autonomous miniature robotic submarine

Auteurs: Tuomas Salomaa
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Tampere University of Technology (Faculty of Engineering Sciences)

Mechanical design and analysis of an attitude control subsystem for pitch angle of an autonomous explorer submarine

Auteurs: Romero Bernal, Pablo
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Tampere University of Technology (Faculty of Engineering Sciences)

Magnetic field measurement possibilities in flooded mines at 500 m depth

Auteurs: Vörös, Csaba; Zajzon, Norbert; Turai, Endre; Vincze, László
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: TU Bergakademie Freiberg

UNEXMIN: mapping and collecting geological data from flooded mines with autonomous robot

Auteurs: Máté Koba, Márton L. Kiss, Norbert Zajzon, Richárd Zoltán Papp
Publié dans: 2018, ISSN 1842-4546
Éditeur: Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania

Mechanical subsystems integration and structural analysis for the autonomous underwater explorer

Auteurs: Jose Villa, Arttu Heininen, Soheil Zavari, Tuomas Salomaa, Olli Usenius, Jouko Laitinen, Jussi Aaltonen and Kari T. Koskinen
Publié dans: 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Éditeur: IEEE

Multispectral characterization of minerals in flooded mines at 500 m depth

Auteurs: Zajzon, Norbert; Vörös, Csaba; Ujhelyi, Ferenc; Sarkadi, Tamás
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Introducing the real-environment tests in 2019 of the UNEXMIN project

Auteurs: Máté Koba, Márton L. Kiss, Richárd Zoltán Papp, Norbert Zajzon
Publié dans: 2019, ISSN 1842-4546
Éditeur: Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania

Modeling and Preliminary Design of Underwater Robot for Inspection

Auteurs: Soheil Zavari, Tuomas Salomaa, Jose Villa Escusol, Jussi Aaltonen, Kari T. Koskinen
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual SMACC research Seminar 2017, 2016
Éditeur: Tampere University of Technology

Functional Hierarchy in Autonomous Robot

Auteurs: Soheil Zavari, Tuomas Salomaa, Jose Villa Escusol, Jussi Aaltonen, Kari T. Koskinen
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual SMACC research Seminar 2017, 2016
Éditeur: Tampere University of Technology

Mechatronic architecture development of UX-1

Auteurs: Soheil Zavari, Olli Usenius, Tuomas Salomaa, Jose Villa Escusol, Arttu Heininen, Jouko Laitinen, Jussi Aaltonen, Kari T. Koskinen
Publié dans: 2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2017, Page(s) 460-464, ISBN 978-89-93215-14-4
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/iccas.2017.8204483

Design, Modeling and Control of a Spherical Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Mine Exploration

Auteurs: Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez, E. Andres Parrar, Zorana Milosevic, Sergio Dominguez, Claudio Rossi
Publié dans: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Page(s) 1513-1519, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iros.2018.8594016

Modeling and simulation of a spherical vehicle for underwater surveillance

Auteurs: Davide Grande, Luca Bascetta, Alfredo Martins
Publié dans: OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 2018, Page(s) 1-7, ISBN 978-1-5386-4814-8
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/oceans.2018.8604570

UX 1 system design - A robotic system for underwater mining exploration

Auteurs: Alfredo Martins, Jose Almeida, Carlos Almeida, Andre Dias, Nuno Dias, Jussi Aaltonen, Arttu Heininen, Kari T. Koskinen, Claudio Rossi, Sergio Dominguez, Csaba Voros, Stephen Henley, Mike McLoughlin, Hilco van Moerkerk, James Tweedie, Balazs Bodo, Norbert Zajzon, Eduardo Silva
Publié dans: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Page(s) 1494-1500, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iros.2018.8593999

UXNEXMIN AUV Perception System Design and Characterization

Auteurs: Alfredo Martins, Jose Almeida, Carlos Almeida, Eduardo Silva
Publié dans: 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), 2018, Page(s) 1-7, ISBN 978-1-7281-0253-5
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/auv.2018.8729829

Simulation environment for underground flooded mines robotic exploration

Auteurs: R. Pereira, J. Rodrigues, A. Martins, A. Dias, J. Almeida, C. Almeida, E. Silva
Publié dans: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 2017, Page(s) 322-328, ISBN 978-1-5090-6234-8
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icarsc.2017.7964095

Simulation environment for underground flooded mines robotic exploration

Auteurs: D. Sytnyk, R. Pereira, D. Pedrosa, J. Rodrigues, A. Martins, A. Dias, J. Almeida, E. Silva
Publié dans: OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen, 2017, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5090-5278-3
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/oceanse.2017.8084907

Early stage design of a spherical underwater robotic vehicle

Auteurs: Soheil Zavari, Arttu Heininen, Jussi Aaltonen, Kari T. Koskinen
Publié dans: 2016 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2016, Page(s) 240-244, ISBN 978-1-5090-2720-0
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2016.7790672

Use of Robotics and Automation for Mineral Prospecting and Extraction, Conference Proceedings

Auteurs: Gorazd Žibret; Manja Žebre
Publié dans: 2018, ISBN 9789-616498579
Éditeur: Geological Survey of Slovenia
DOI: 10.5474/9789616498579

Modeling and Control of Underwater Mine Explorer Robot UX-1

Auteurs: Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez, Davide Grande, Alfredo Martins, Luca Bascetta, Sergio Dominguez, Claudio Rossi
Publié dans: IEEE Access, Numéro 7, 2019, Page(s) 39432-39447, ISSN 2169-3536
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2907193

UNEXMIN: a new concept to sustainably obtain geological information from flooded mines

Auteurs: Luís Lopes*, Norbert Zajzon, Stephen Henley, Csaba Vörös, Alfredo Martins and José Miguel Almeida
Publié dans: European Geologist, 2017, ISSN 1028-267x
Éditeur: European Federationof Geologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1095546

Motion Control of Underwater Mine Explorer Robot UX-1: Field Trials

Auteurs: Ramon A. Suarez Fernandez, Zorana Milosevic, Sergio Dominguez, Claudio Rossi
Publié dans: IEEE Access, Numéro 7, 2019, Page(s) 99782-99803, ISSN 2169-3536
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2019.2930544

Introducing the UNEXMIN Robot for Surveying Flooded Undergound Spaces

Auteurs: S. Henley
Publié dans: CREG Journal, 2019, ISSN 1361-4800
Éditeur: British Cave Research Association

Exploration of flooded mines as support to the battery industry and the energy transition in Europe

Auteurs: Giorgia Stasi*, Isabel Fernandez, Yves Vanbrabant
Publié dans: European Geologists, 2019, ISSN 1028-267x
Éditeur: European Federation of Geologists

UNEXMIN: developing an autonomous underwater explorer for flooded mines

Auteurs: Luís Lopes, Norbert Zajzon, Balázs Bodo, Stephen Henley, Gorazd Žibret, Tatjana Dizdarevic
Publié dans: Energy Procedia, Numéro 125, 2017, Page(s) 41-49, ISSN 1876-6102
Éditeur: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.051

Robots explore flooded mine

Auteurs: S. Henley
Publié dans: Mineral Planning, 2019, ISSN 0267-1409
Éditeur: Haymarket Media Group Ltd

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