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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


D8.1.3.1 Press Release: Launching the PowerBase Project

Press Release: Launching the PowerBase Project

D8.2.1.1 Initial Dissemination Plan and Set-up PowerBase Web-Site

Initial Dissemination Plan and Set-up PowerBase Web-Site Organization of a workshop/training event

Organization of a workshop/training event

D8.2.5.1 Preparation of e-learning “Power electronics” module;

Preparation of e-learning “Power electronics” module;


Evidence of Time-Dependent Vertical Breakdown in GaN-on-Si HEMTs

Auteurs: Matteo Borga, Matteo Meneghini, Isabella Rossetto, Steve Stoffels, Niels Posthuma, Marleen Van Hove, Denis Marcon, Stefaan Decoutere, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Enrico Zanoni
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Numéro 64/9, 2017, Page(s) 3616-3621, ISSN 0018-9383
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2017.2726440

Field- and current-driven degradation of GaN-based power HEMTs with p-GaN gate: Dependence on Mg-doping level

Auteurs: I. Rossetto, M. Meneghini, E. Canato, M. Barbato, S. Stoffels, N. Posthuma, S. Decoutere, A.N. Tallarico, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni
Publié dans: Microelectronics Reliability, Numéro 76-77, 2017, Page(s) 298-303, ISSN 0026-2714
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2017.06.061

Dislocation formation in heavily As-doped Czochralski grown silicon

Auteurs: L. Stockmeier, L. Lehmann, A. Miller, C. Reimann, J. Friedrich
Publié dans: Crystal Research and Technology, Numéro 52/8, 2017, Page(s) 1600373, ISSN 0232-1300
Éditeur: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co.
DOI: 10.1002/crat.201600373

Edge facet dynamics during the growth of heavily doped n-type silicon by the Czochralski-method

Auteurs: L. Stockmeier, C. Kranert, G. Raming, A. Miller, C. Reimann, P. Rudolph, J. Friedrich
Publié dans: Journal of Crystal Growth, Numéro 491, 2018, Page(s) 57-65, ISSN 0022-0248
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.03.028

Exploring the thermal limit of GaN power devices under extreme overload conditions

Auteurs: F.P. Pribahsnik, M. Nelhiebel, M. Mataln, M. Bernardoni, G. Prechtl, F. Altmann, D. Poppitz, A. Lindemann
Publié dans: Microelectronics Reliability, Numéro 76-77, 2017, Page(s) 304-308, ISSN 0026-2714
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2017.07.046

Adsorption and desorption of hydrogen at nonpolar GaN ( 1 1 ¯ 00 ) surfaces: Kinetics and impact on surface vibrational and electronic properties

Auteurs: L. Lymperakis, J. Neugebauer, M. Himmerlich, S. Krischok, M. Rink, J. Kröger, V. M. Polyakov
Publié dans: Physical Review B, Numéro 95/19, 2017, Page(s) 1-11, ISSN 2469-9950
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.195314

Analysis of multifinger power HEMTs supported by effective 3-D device electrothermal simulation

Auteurs: Aleš Chvála, Juraj Marek, Patrik Príbytný, Alexander Šatka, Steve Stoffels, Niels Posthuma, Stefaan Decoutere, Daniel Donoval
Publié dans: Microelectronics Reliability, Numéro 78, 2017, Page(s) 148-155, ISSN 0026-2714
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2017.08.012

Determination of the Self-Compensation Ratio of Carbon in AlGaN for HEMTs

Auteurs: Ben Rackauskas, Michael J. Uren, Steve Stoffels, Ming Zhao, Stefaan Decoutere, Martin Kuball
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Numéro 65/5, 2018, Page(s) 1838-1842, ISSN 0018-9383
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/ted.2018.2813542

The 2018 GaN power electronics roadmap

Auteurs: H Amano, Y Baines, E Beam, Matteo Borga, T Bouchet, Paul R Chalker, M Charles, Kevin J Chen, Nadim Chowdhury, Rongming Chu, Carlo De Santi, Maria Merlyne De Souza, Stefaan Decoutere, L Di Cioccio, Bernd Eckardt, Takashi Egawa, P Fay, Joseph J Freedsman, L Guido, Oliver Häberlen, Geoff Haynes, Thomas Heckel, Dilini Hemakumara, Peter Houston, Jie Hu, Mengyuan Hua, Qingyun Huang, Alex Huang, Sheng J
Publié dans: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Numéro 51/16, 2018, Page(s) 163001, ISSN 0022-3727
Éditeur: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aaaf9d

200 V Enhancement-mode p-GaN HEMTs Fabricated on 200 mm GaN-on-SOI with Trench Isolation for Monolithic Integration

Auteurs: Xiangdong Li, Marleen Van Hove, Ming Zhao, Karen Geens, Vesa-Pekka Lempinen, Jaakko Sormunen, Guido Groeseneken, Stefaan Decoutere
Publié dans: IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2017, Page(s) 1-1, ISSN 0741-3106
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/LED.2017.2703304

QDB: a new database of plasma chemistries and reactions

Auteurs: Jonathan Tennyson, Sara Rahimi, Christian Hill, Lisa Tse, Anuradha Vibhakar, Dolica Akello-Egwel, Daniel B Brown, Anna Dzarasova, James R Hamilton, Dagmar Jaksch, Sebastian Mohr, Keir Wren-Little, Johannes Bruckmeier, Ankur Agarwal, Klaus Bartschat, Annemie Bogaerts, Jean-Paul Booth, Matthew J Goeckner, Khaled Hassouni, Yukikazu Itikawa, Bastiaan J Braams, E Krishnakumar, Annarita Laricchiuta, Nig
Publié dans: Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Numéro 26/5, 2017, Page(s) 055014, ISSN 1361-6595
Éditeur: IOP Publishing Ltd
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6595/aa6669

Effective 3-D Device Electrothermal Simulation Analysis of Influence of Metallization Geometry on Multifinger Power HEMTs Properties

Auteurs: Ales Chvala, Juraj Marek, Patrik Pribytny, Alexander Satka, Martin Donoval, Daniel Donoval
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Numéro 64/1, 2017, Page(s) 333-336, ISSN 0018-9383
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2016.2629024

Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Anode Recess on the Electrical Characteristics of AlGaN/GaN Schottky Diodes With Gated Edge Termination

Auteurs: Jie Hu, Steve Stoffels, Silvia Lenci, Brice De Jaeger, Nicolo Ronchi, Andrea Natale Tallarico, Dirk Wellekens, Shuzhen You, Benoit Bakeroot, Guido Groeseneken, Stefaan Decoutere
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Numéro 63/9, 2016, Page(s) 3451-3458, ISSN 0018-9383
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2016.2587103

Gate Stability of GaN-Based HEMTs with P-Type Gate

Auteurs: Matteo Meneghini, Isabella Rossetto, Vanessa Rizzato, Steve Stoffels, Marleen Van Hove, Niels Posthuma, Tian-Li Wu, Denis Marcon, Stefaan Decoutere, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Enrico Zanoni
Publié dans: Electronics, Numéro 5/2, 2016, Page(s) 14, ISSN 2079-9292
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/electronics5020014

Combined experi-mental and numerical approach to study electromechanical resonant phenomena in GaN-on-Si heterostructures

Auteurs: F.P. Pribahsnik, M. Bernardoni, M. Nelhiebel, M. Mataln, A. Lindemann
Publié dans: Proceedings ESREF 2018, 2018, ISSN 0026-2714
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd.

Efficiency and Near-Field Emission Comparisons of a Si- and GaN Based Buck Converter Topology

Auteurs: M.Lenzhofer, A. Frank
Publié dans: IEEE- PEMC 2018, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

Dielectrics choice and processing for low dispersion enhancement mode p-GaN gate HEMTs on 200mm Si substrates

Auteurs: S. You, N. E. Posthuma, N. Ronchi, S. Stoffels, B. Bakeroot, D. Wellekens, H. Liang, M. Zhao and S. Decoutere
Publié dans: Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe 2018, 2018
Éditeur: IMT Bucharest

Gate architecture design for enhancement mode p-GaN gate HEMTs for 200 and 650V applications

Auteurs: N.E. Posthuma, S. You, S. Stoffels, H. Liang, M. Zhao and S. Decoutere
Publié dans: The 30th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and Ics (ISPSD), 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

MOCVD Growth and Characterization of 200 V E-mode p-GaN HEMTs on 200 mm GaN-on-SOI for Monolithic Integration

Auteurs: Ming Zhao, Karen Geens, Xiangdong Li, Marleen Van Hove, Vesa-Pekka Lempinen, Jaakko Sormunen, Robert Langer, Stefaan Decoutere
Publié dans: ICNS-12, 2017
Éditeur: ICNS-12

GaN Device architectures enabled by next generation substrates

Auteurs: S. Stoffels, K. Geens, N. Posthuma, M. Zhao, H. Liang, X. Li, D. Wellekens, S. You, B. Bakeroot, M.Van Hove, S. Decoutere
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2.0, 2018
Éditeur: University of Padova

Substrate optimization for high reliability GaN devices

Auteurs: S. Stoffels, K. Geens, X. Li, M. Zhao, M. Borga, E. Zanoni, G. Meneghesso, M. Meneghini, N. Posthuma, M. Van Hove and S. Decoutere
Publié dans: MRS2018 Symposium, 2018
Éditeur: Cambridge University Press

Comparative analysis of GaN HEMT vs. Si CoolMOS for a high-frequency MMC topology

Auteurs: Ander Avila, Asier Garcia-Bediaga, Oier Onederra, Alejandro Ruias, Alberto Rodriguez
Publié dans: 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), 2017, Page(s) P.1-P.9, ISBN 978-90-75815-27-6
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/EPE17ECCEEurope.2017.8099334

Reliability of power devices: Bias-induced threshold voltage instability and dielectric breakdown in GaN MIS-HEMTs

Auteurs: Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Davide Bisi, Isabella Rossetto, Maria Ruzzarin, Matteo Meneghini, Enrico Zanoni
Publié dans: 2016 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), 2016, Page(s) 35-40, ISBN 978-1-5090-4193-0
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/IIRW.2016.7904896

Analysis of Optimal Operation Conditions for GaN-based Power Converters

Auteurs: Ander Avila, Asier Garcia-Bediaga, Alberto Rodriguez, Luis Mir, Alejandro Rujas
Publié dans: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

Analysis of natural convection cooling solutions for GaN HEMT transistors

Auteurs: X. Jordà, X. Perpiñà, M. Vellvehi, D. Sánchez, A. García-Bediaga
Publié dans: 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2018
Éditeur: European Power Electronics Association

Thermal performance analysis of GaN-based high-power converters

Auteurs: Ander Avila, Xavier Perpiña, Xavier Jorda, Asier Garcia-Bediaga, Alejandro Rujas
Publié dans: European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

Analysis of natural convection cooling solutions for GaN HEMT transistors

Auteurs: Xavier Jorda, Ander Avila, Asier Garcia-Bediaga, Xavier Perpiña, Miquel Vellvehi
Publié dans: European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

Depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy for characterization of advanced GaN-on-Si buffers

Auteurs: PRIESOL, Juraj - ŠATKA, Alexander - VISALLI, D. - DERLUYN, J. - ZHAO, M. - STOFFELS, Steve
Publié dans: 5th International conference on advances in electronic and photonic technologies, 2017, ISBN 978-80-554-1342-6
Éditeur: University of Žilina

Advanced power electronics in e-learning

Auteurs: MAREK, Juraj - CHVÁLA, Aleš - BENKO, Peter - SZOBOLOVSZKÝ, Robert - KOVÁČ, Jaroslav jr. - STUCHLÍKOVÁ, Ľubica
Publié dans: Distance learning, simulation and communication 2017, 2017, ISBN 978-80-7231-415-7
Éditeur: University of Defence, Brno

Modern P-Gan Power HEMT Devices Under UIS Conditions

Auteurs: Juraj Marek, Alexander Šatka, Martin Jagelka, Aleš Chvála, Patrik Príbytný, Martin Donoval and Daniel Donoval
Publié dans: 5th International conference on advances in electronic and photonic technologies, 2017, ISBN 978-80-554-1342-6
Éditeur: University of Žilina

Electrothermal analysis of power multifinger HEMTs supported by advanced 3-D device simulation

Auteurs: CHVÁLA, Aleš - MAREK, Juraj - PRÍBYTNÝ, Patrik - ŠATKA, Alexander - DONOVAL, Daniel - STOFFELS, Steve - POSTHUMA, Niels - DECOUTERE, Stefaan
Publié dans: SISPAD 2017 - International conference on simulation of semiconductor processes and devices., 2017, ISBN 978-4-86348-612-6
Éditeur: IEEE

Point defects and impurities in mon-crystalline silicon - some recent advances

Auteurs: N. Ganagona, I. Kolevatov. H.M. Ayedh, A. Galeckas, L. Vines, E.V. Monakhov and B.G. Svensson
Publié dans: The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials (2016), 2016
Éditeur: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Study of the stability of GaN-HEMTs with p-type Gate under Forward Gate Bias

Auteurs: Ruzzarin M. et al.
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

On Wafer Application Testing for 600 V E mode GaN HEMTs in Boost Regime

Auteurs: Barbato A. et al.
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Challenges towards highly reliabile GaN power transistors

Auteurs: Meneghini M. et al.
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Analysis of the Drain-to-Substrate Leakage of Power HEMTs Grown on Highly Resistive Silicon Substrate

Auteurs: Borga M. et al.
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Effect of surface reconstruction and rehybridization on the compositional limits of III-Nitride ternary alloys

Auteurs: L. Lymperakis and J. Neugebauer
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2.0, April 18-19, 2018, Padova (Italy) –, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Thermal Characterization of SMD Packaged 650V GaN HEMTs Assembled in PCB Boards

Auteurs: X. Jordà, X. Perpiñà, M. Vellvehi, D. Sánchez, A. García-Bediaga
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2.0, 2018
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Performance Analysis of GaN Devices in Compact Power Applications

Auteurs: A. Garcia-Bediaga, O.R. Schmidt, J. Herrero, J. Danzberger, and H. Pairitsch
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

GaN Devices and Transformer Design in High Frequency Power Applications

Auteurs: J. Herrero, J. Milla, D. Antolín.
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

3-D Device Electrothermal Simulation for Analysis of Multifinger Power HEMTs

Auteurs: Aleš Chvála, Juraj Marek, Alexander Šatka, Juraj Priesol, Patrik Príbytný, Steve Stoffels, Niels Posthuma, Stefaan Decoutere, Daniel Donoval,
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Degradation of p-GaN HEMTs exposed to clamped inductive switching

Auteurs: Juraj Marek, Martin Jagelka, Jozef Kozárik, Aleš Chvála, Patrik Príbytný, Alexander Šatka, Martin Donoval, Daniel Donoval and Ľubica Stuchlíková
Publié dans: GaN Marathon 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-88-6787-916-8
Éditeur: Cleup sc

Modern p-GaN power devices under UIS conditions

Auteurs: J. Marek, A. Šatka, M. Jagelka, A. Chvála, P. Príbytný, M. Donoval and D. Donoval
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Evaluation of the capabilities of scanning acoustic microscopy towards assessing the porosity of Ag-sinter layers for GaN based power electronics

Auteurs: S. Brand, B. Boettge, J. Zijl, S. Kersjes, T. Behrens,
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Strain analysis and dicing defects of GaN on Si substrates

Auteurs: D. Poppitz, S. Brand, A. Graff, T. Detzel, O. Häberlen, G. Prechtl, F. Altmann
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Thermodynamics, kinetics, and electronic structure of H2 and F2 passivation of defect states in GaN: An ab-initio study

Auteurs: L. Lymperakis and J. Neugebauer
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Next generation 200mm substrates for GaN power devices

Auteurs: S. Stoffels, K. Geens, M. Zhao, H. Liang, M. Van Hove and S. Decoutere
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

QDB: Validated Plasma Chemistries Database

Auteurs: Sara Rahimi, James Hamilton, Christian Hill, Jonathan Tennyson
Éditeur: na

Possible reasons for dislocation formation in heavily doped Czochralski silicon

Auteurs: L. Stockmeier, L. Lehmann, C. Reimann, J. Friedrich
Publié dans: The International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy -ICCGE-18, 2016
Éditeur: na

200 V Enhancement-mode p-GaN HEMTs Fabricated on 200 mm GaN-on-SOI with Trench Isolation for Monolithic Integration

Auteurs: X. Li; M. Van Hove; M. Zhao; K. Geens; V. P. Lempinen; J. Sormunen; G. Groeseneken; S. Decoutere
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA, Spain

High temperature failure mode in power GaN devices

Auteurs: F. P. Pribahsnik, M. Nelhiebel, M. Mataln, M. Bernardoni, G. Prechtl, F. Altmann, D. Poppitz, A. Lindemann
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

CMOS Process-Compatible 200mm polycrystalline AlN Substrates for GaN Power Transistors

Auteurs: K. Geens, M. Van Hove, X. Li, M. Zhao, A. Šatka, A. Vincze and S. Decoutere
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Failure mode for p-GaN gates under forward gate stress with varying Mg concentration

Auteurs: S. Stoffels, B. Bakeroot, T. L. Wu, D. Marcon, N. E. Posthuma, S. Decoutere, A. N. Tallarico, C. Fiegna
Publié dans: 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2017, Page(s) 4B-4.1-4B-4.9, ISBN 978-1-5090-6641-4
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/IRPS.2017.7936310

Possible reasons for dislocation formation in heavily doped Czochralski silicon

Auteurs: J. Friedrich, L. Stockmeier, L. Lehmann, C. Reimann
Publié dans: 10th International Conference of Polish Society for Crystal Growth - ICPSCG10, 2016
Éditeur: na

Processes behind Suppressed Current Collapse Buffer Architectures

Auteurs: Ben Rackauskas, , Michael J Uren, Steve Stoffels and Martin Kuball,
Publié dans: The International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2016, 2016
Éditeur: na

Identification of critical regions in AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Schottky barrier diode using Electron beam induced current method

Auteurs: J. Priesol, A. Šatka, A. Chvála, S. Stoffels, S. Decoutere
Publié dans: Identification of critical regions in AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Schottky barrier diode using Electron beam induced current method, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

QDB: A new database of plasma chemistries and reactions – concept and exemplar verification

Auteurs: A. Dzarasova
Publié dans: IOP Plasma physics conference, 2016
Éditeur: IOP publishing

UIS Capability of Modern GaN Power Devices

Auteurs: J. Marek, M. Jagelka, A. Chvála, P. Príbytný, M.Donoval and D. Donoval
Publié dans: 3rd international conference on advances in electronic and photonic technologies, 2016
Éditeur: na

Application Related Reliability Test Concept for GaN HEMT Power Devices

Auteurs: M. Glavanovics, S. Ofner, R. Sleik, M. Nelhiebel, A. Madan, O. Haeberlen
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

QDB: A sustainable database for plasma chemistries” in International Workshop on Plasmas for Energy and Environmental Applications

Auteurs: Jonathan Tennyson, Christian Hill, Sara Rahimi
Publié dans: International Workshop on Plasmas for Energy and Environmental Applications – IWPEEA2016, 2016
Éditeur: na

Study of trapping in GaN-based power HEMTs based on High-Voltage Double-Pulsed Backgating Measurement System

Auteurs: M. Ruzzarin, A. Barbato, M. Meneghini, I. Rossetto, M. Silvestri, O. Haeberlen, T. Detzel, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Buffer-induced vertical leakage and charge trapping in normally-off GaN-on-Si HEMTs

Auteurs: M. Borga, M. Meneghini, I. Rossetto, M. Silvestri, O. Haeberlen, T. Detzel, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Impact of repetitive UIS on modern GaN power devices

Auteurs: Juraj Marek, Lubica Stuchlikova, Martin Jagelka, Ales Chvala, Patrik Pribytny, Martin Donoval, Daniel Donoval
Publié dans: 2016 11th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2016, Page(s) 173-176, ISBN 978-1-5090-3083-5
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ASDAM.2016.7805923

Degradation of GaN-HEMTs with p-GaN Gate: Dependence on temperature and on geometry

Auteurs: Matteo Meneghini, Isabella Rossetto, Matteo Borga, Eleonora Canato, Carlo De Santi, Fabiana Rampazzo, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Enrico Zanoni, Steve Stoffels, Marleen Van Hove, Niels Posthuma, Stefaan Decoutere
Publié dans: 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2017, Page(s) 4B-5.1-4B-5.5, ISBN 978-1-5090-6641-4
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/IRPS.2017.7936311

Guardbanding Techniques for the Semiconductor Industry: A Comparative Study

Auteurs: Vera Hofer, Johannes Leitner, Horst Lewitschnig, Thomas Nowak
Publié dans: The Joint Statistical Meeting – JSM2016, 2016
Éditeur: American Statistical Association

Study on the Dispersion Control of AlGaN/GaN Buffers Grown by MOCVD on 200 mm Si (111)

Auteurs: Ming Zhao, Steve Stoffels, Marleen Van Hove, Prem Kumar Kandaswamy, Hu Liang, Yoga Nrusimha Saripalli, Stefaan Decoutere
Publié dans: 18th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, 2016
Éditeur: na

Constructing self-consistent validated plasma chemistry

Auteurs: S. Rahimi, C. Hill, L. Tse, A. Vibhakar, S. Mohr, J.R. Hamilton, A. Dzarasova, D.B. Brown, J. Tennyson
Publié dans: The 38th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2016), 2016
Éditeur: na

Guardbanding based on Device Drift Behavior

Auteurs: Vera Hofer, Karl-Franzens-University, Graz, Austria; Thomas Nowak
Publié dans: Nineteenth Annual Automotive Electronics Reliability Workshop, 2017
Éditeur: na

Exposed die wafer level encapsulation by transfer molding

Auteurs: S.H.M. Kersjes, J.L.J. Zijl, W.G.J. Gal, H.A.M. Fierkens, H. Wensink
Publié dans: 2016 6th Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2016, Page(s) 1-4, ISBN 978-1-5090-1402-6
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ESTC.2016.7764480

Model of power InAlN/GaN HEMT for 3-D Electrothermal Simulations

Auteurs: Aleš Chvála, Juraj Marek, Patrik Príbytný, Alexander Šatka and Daniel Donoval
Publié dans: International MOS-AK Workshop, 2016
Éditeur: International MOS-AK Workshop

MOCVD Growth and Characterizations of Unintentionally and Intentionally C doped GaN on 200 mm Si (111)

Auteurs: Ming Zhao, Juraj Priesol, Alexander Satka, Lukasz Janicki, Michal Baranowski, Jan Misiewicz, Robert Kudrawiec, Yoga Nrusimha Saripalli
Publié dans: 18th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, 2016
Éditeur: na

A Novel System to Measure the Dynamic On-Resistance of On-Wafer 600 V Normally-Off GaN HEMTs in Real Application Conditions

Auteurs: A. Barbato, M. Barbato, M. Meneghini, M. Silvestri, T. Detzel, O. Haeberlen, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni
Publié dans: 41st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe, 2017
Éditeur: IUMA

Linking reactor-scale plasma modelling with feature-scale profile

Auteurs: Sebastian Mohr, Anna Dzarasova, Dimitrios Tsamados, Vaibhav Deshpande, Mohamed Oulmane, Jonathan Tennyson
Publié dans: Dry Process Symposium, 2015
Éditeur: Dry Process Symposium

From Plasma Reactor to Surface Level: Linking Plasma with Feature Profile Simulations

Auteurs: Sebastian Mohr, Anna Dzarasova, Dimitrios Tsamados, Vaibhav Deshpande, Mohamed Oulmane, Jonathan Tennyson
Publié dans: American Vacuum Society Symopsium, 2015
Éditeur: American Vacuum Society

Determination of guard bands for quality characteristics using copula-based models for longitudinal data

Auteurs: Hofer V., Leitner J., Nowak T
Publié dans: The Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat) 2016, 2016
Éditeur: The German Consortium in Statistics

Possible reasons for dislocation formation in heavily doped Czochralski silicon

Auteurs: L. Stockmeier, L. Lehmann, C. Reimann, J. Friedrich
Publié dans: 1st German Czechoslovak Conference on Crystal Growth, 2016
Éditeur: Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB

GaN specific mechanical phenomena and their influence on reliability in power HEMT operation

Auteurs: F.P. Pribahsnik
Publié dans: PhD thesis @ Faculty of electronics and information tecnhologies, Otto v Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2018
Éditeur: Otto v Guericke Universität Magdeburg

First time demonstration of fully isolated GaN power devices using SOI technology

Auteurs: Karen Geens
Publié dans: imec magazine, 2017
Éditeur: imec

Droits de propriété intellectuelle

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinem Silizium, Vorrichtung zurHerstellung einer Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinem Silizium und Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinemSilizium

Numéro de demande/publication: DE 102016209008
Date: 2016-05-24
Demandeur(s): SILTRONIC AG


Numéro de demande/publication: US 20170186600A1
Date: 2015-12-24

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinem Silizium, Vorrichtung zurHerstellung einer Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinem Silizium und Halbleiterscheibe aus einkristallinemSilizium

Numéro de demande/publication: DE 102016209008
Date: 2016-05-24
Demandeur(s): SILTRONIC AG


Numéro de demande/publication: EP 17159548
Date: 2017-03-07


Numéro de demande/publication: US 20170186600A1
Date: 2015-12-24


Numéro de demande/publication: EP 17159548
Date: 2017-03-07

Schaltkreis, Halbleiterbauelement und Verfahren

Numéro de demande/publication: US 7868353
Date: 2015-10-13

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