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The deliverable will review existing models and quantitative approaches used to quantify the multiple benefits of energy efficiency to inform the development of our own modelling tools and approaches
Technology diffusion model development schematicsThis deliverable will outline the specific details of the models to be developedimproved based upon the literature review carried out in WP2 and the data scoping in WP3
Communication and dissemination planThe plan will present the communication and dissemination activities planned and already achieved within the project including the creation of the projects visual identity social media channels and website It will also report about the first steps in mapping existing initiatives and stakeholders
REFEREE policy system's designThe deliverable will describe the results and information gathered from assessment of the best practices to be used to propose the REFEREE systems design and the detailed development process
Policy brief on the co-benefits of energy efficiencyThe deliverable will consist of a policy brief containing the main findings of the project, presenting the co-benefits of energy efficiency interventions and how to further exploit their potential. It will be disseminated to policy-makers with specific recommendations for each essential governance level.
REFEREE Documentation and tutorialThe deliverable will report on the documentation of the REFEREE system according to standard software protocols to facilitate its future update. as well as an online user-guide and tutorial with a number of samples based on case-studies.
REFEREE Maintenance protocolThe deliverable will describe a maintenance protocol assessing human and financial resources needed to keep alive the system.
Infographics on energy efficiencyThe deliverable will be an infographic: a visual representation of key findings from the project, e.g. related to energy costs, health and gender. The final version of the infographics will be translated in several languages and used for online communication purposes, with a specific attention to its diffusion through social media.
Results from the scoping analysisThe deliverable will report the results from the surveys and direct interviews carried out in task 22 to selected focus groups in order to point out which nonenergy benefits are that are important to consider what policy links there are what sectors what policyintervention tools are appropriate how these link to REFEREEs model and how the models and tools interfaces will have to be developed to be really useful and effective
Report on pilot use-cases and need assessment for implementing the REFEREE policy-support system and toolsThe report will wrap the results from testing the tools in different policy scenarios, derived from the users’ daily practices and needs. Need assessment for implementing the REFEREE policy-support system and tools, including. giving recommendations for improvements and feedback from the testing will be also considered.
Final report on dissemination activitiesThis report will provide an overview of the activities led in WP6. It will include an assessment of the different dissemination tools and improvement avenues.
Report on feedback and recommendations from policy consultations based on results from the PAG's workThe report will present the PAG process, the content of the discussions, how PAG members’ inputs were taken into account in the project and will provide an assessment of such policy consultation processes with recommendations for future applications.
Multiple benefits calculation methodologyThis deliverable will outline the complete methodology to be used to calculate the multiple benefits of energy building on the literature review carried out in WP2
Offline REFEREE systemThe deliverable will present an offline version for experienced users (not requiring a user-interface) developed in MS ACCESS/XLS enhanced with Visual Basic, linked to E3ME Lite and connected to a commercial or royalties-free mapping tool (e.g. ArcGIS, Geomedia...).
Guidebook with best practices of integrated approaches towards energy- and non-energy impactsBased on the testing of the REFREE policy-support system and tools, the results from the pilot use-cases and the policy recommendations developed during the project, best practices of energy interventions and integrated approaches for maximizing energy and non-energy benefits will be identified and outlined in the guidebook. The latter will also include hands-on assistance and practical recommendations on how these best-practices examples and approaches could be replicated, including outlining key steps in the process.
Scenario analysisThis deliverable will analyse the results generated by the eight proposed scenario runs, to identify the major impacts in these scenarios, and the drivers of them; identify linear and non-linear responses in the full modelling framework, and; develop an understanding of the implications for integrating these technologies into the REFEREE decision tool.
Final Publishable ReportInformative and dissemination document on the project results
Online REFEREE systemThe deliverable will present an online REFEREE system that will be designed as user-friendly interface requiring no particular modelling expertise, but policy-expertise in the field of energy and socio-economic and environmental impact assessment.
This deliverable will include the modelling code, programmed in Python, which i) assesses the technology diffusions and ii) calculates the multiple benefits of energy efficiency
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