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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Real ValuE oF EneRgy EfficiEncy

Risultati finali

The state of art of the existing models and tools to support policy makers in the analysis of the real effects of the energy efficiency measures

The deliverable will review existing models and quantitative approaches used to quantify the multiple benefits of energy efficiency to inform the development of our own modelling tools and approaches

Technology diffusion model development schematics

This deliverable will outline the specific details of the models to be developedimproved based upon the literature review carried out in WP2 and the data scoping in WP3

Communication and dissemination plan

The plan will present the communication and dissemination activities planned and already achieved within the project including the creation of the projects visual identity social media channels and website It will also report about the first steps in mapping existing initiatives and stakeholders

REFEREE policy system's design

The deliverable will describe the results and information gathered from assessment of the best practices to be used to propose the REFEREE systems design and the detailed development process

Results from the scoping analysis

The deliverable will report the results from the surveys and direct interviews carried out in task 22 to selected focus groups in order to point out which nonenergy benefits are that are important to consider what policy links there are what sectors what policyintervention tools are appropriate how these link to REFEREEs model and how the models and tools interfaces will have to be developed to be really useful and effective

Multiple benefits calculation methodology

This deliverable will outline the complete methodology to be used to calculate the multiple benefits of energy building on the literature review carried out in WP2

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