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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Production Dependent Adaptive Machine Tool

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Intelligent machine tools for factory production

Imagine a factory shop floor where all the necessary tools are packed into single machines that are smart, programmable and can learn from experience. An EU-financed project is working to make this a reality.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

No manufacturing process would be complete without machine tools. Over the years, machine tools have evolved from purely mechanical contraptions to become sophisticated autonomous machines run by computer numerical control (CNC). The recent emergence of mechatronics and active intelligence offers exciting possibilities for the further evolution of machine tools. The 'Product dependent adaptive machine tool' (CHAMELEON) project developed a new approach for utilising and integrating active intelligent devices into machine tools. These intelligent devices fell into four groups: headstock (spindles), structures, workholding (which holds the material to be processed) and control. CHAMELEON worked on numerous concepts and prototypes for various components, including magnetic spindles, balancing mechanisms, sensor-less measuring, vibration-aided machining, adaptronic capabilities, rapid calibration and the damping of 'chatter'. At the very cutting edge, project members worked on multifunctional, adaptive machinery — instead of the current dependence on multiple, specific-purpose machines. It also considered an intelligent control system to handle the inevitable complexity involved. These CHAMELEON machines operate according to rule-based programming and can 'learn' from experience through a decision support system. Project results can help stimulate innovation in the machine tool sector, upon which much of Europe's industry depends, and raise its competitiveness against fiercer global rivals.

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