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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-21

Modelling of unsteady combustion in low emission systems

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Humming a new tune

Low-emission combustion systems are a promising technology that suffer from the drawback of acoustic variations (sometimes called humming). This may lead to critical failures. Certainly, this drawback prevents their widespread use in various industries.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

An EC funded project MUSCLES looked into developing a more rotund understanding of the characteristics that play a role in combustion instabilities. Such factors as the rate of fuel vaporisation, fuel placement at the combustor inlet and the mixing process will be assessed. To do so, large-scale experiments were conducted on an industrial swirl-flow LPP (Lean Premixed Prevaporize) burner. The reason for this investigation was to examine the complex interaction of vortices and the effect they and flow recirculation in premixing devices have on combustion instabilities. They were performed on different geometries of the radial inflow swirlers that had the same number of swirls. Advanced swirl premixing LPP devices have inherent dangers to their use such as flash back and auto-ignition. It is hoped that the research will be developed into information on how such occurrences can be avoided. Furthermore, the study also used numerical simulations that provide further insight into the complexities involved. As such, the information gathered from the research will eventually be used in the near future as a tool in the design and development phase for fuel preparation systems. Currently no such modelling programme incorporates this element. The researchers are looking for further research and development support.

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