Smart non-destructive inspection tools
Advanced technological developments such as high rates of data transfer and mobile information input/output devices have allowed new usage scenarios for technical documentation. Within the European project called by the acronym INDET, different usage scenarios were customised to suit the specific needs of aircraft maintenance. Major aircraft manufacturers and information technologies (IT) developers were brought together to replace current paper documentation with a digital support system. With the aim to contribute to improved inspection conditions, enhanced reliability and maintenance costs reduction, a compact system implementing multimedia procedures was developed on a tablet personal computer. The multimedia design, made possible by electronic documentation systems, allowed the preparation of maintenance instructions in a totally new form. Video sequences demonstrating inspection procedures as well as three-dimensional modelling of the inspection situation replacing traditional two-dimensional drawing represent only a few of the possibilities offered. Evaluation aids such as a catalogue of possible defects and displays of the inspection equipment along with expert systems were integrated into the 4M multi-media maintenance manual. Moreover, relevant data could be stored during aircraft component maintenance and the exact amount of data needed by inspectors rendered easily accessible through web servers. The 4M multi-media maintenance system will enable the generation of procedures on demand after computer-controlled input of the actual inspection problem. Such a technology implemented on a non-destructive testing (NDT) platform, in which information could be would be readily consulted and modified, could enable world-wide online support from maintenance organisations. This possibility would be of great interest for the life cycle monitoring and NDT data management during the whole life of an operating aircraft.