Retrieving the sense of snow
The ENVISNOW project has used data to develop, prove and utilise multisensor and multitemporal snow parameter retrieval algorithms suitable for regional as well as global mapping. This meets the requirements of operational products for hydrology users and improves the comprehension of the way microwaves and light interacts with snow and ground cover. Additionally, innovative algorithms were developed which employ the complimentary features of optic and radar sensors. The project created the EnviSnow system prototype which the partners used during the course of the project as well as for the demonstration of results. However, some of the system can still be used now that the project has ended. In fact end users will now find it helpful in generating products used in hydrological models. Furthermore, research institutes can employ it in their daily activities. The main components developed consist of a production line, production storage and Web visualizing. The production line involves all the processing algorithms in the project. Databases and catalogue service based on GIN (Geographic Information Network) constitute the production storage. Results can be accessed as files which can be visualised in a web-based simple viewer.