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Content archived on 2024-05-29
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Also in this issue
Category: Health
- Using science to aid the elderly
- Protecting plant cells during cryo-processing
- Cell membranes resist freezing
- Scientists model Map transmission
- Genetic resistance battle against Fusarium
- Linking genes to function
- Monitoring paratuberculosis in the wild
- Lameness in cows tackled
- Storing plants for posterity
- Positive aspect of ageing nurses
- Manufacturing industry up to speed with competition
- Microsatellite marker set for Blackface sheep
- Understanding how the immune system ages
- Mirror images in the brain refine motor skills
- Endocrine response to pollution
- Improved mapping for dairy cattle genome
- Higher rewards for greater efforts in nursing
- Real-time detection and analysis of micro-emboli
- Genetics of sheep milkability
- Violence tracked in mental health care settings
- Sequence maps for bovine genes
- The meaning of marginalisation
- Revisiting forest management
- Modelling microsporidia epidemics in bumblebees
- Combined QSAR model predicts toxicity in quail
- Improved analysis of poplar wood
- Acceptance levels of IF-enriched foods in Europe
Category: Climate Change and Environment
Climate Change and Environment
- New algorithms for snow cover, temperature and wetness
- Rigorous data for effective modelling
- Calibration of ultramodern optical seismometers
- Eco-friendly and effective disinfection of water
- Reports reveal the state of urban water systems
- Public participation in River Basin Management Planning
- Green, lead-free solar cell technology
- Landslide Early Warning Integrated System
- Forecasting floods in Finland
- Modelling the hydrological cycle in urban areas
- Tackling water scarcity in Western Turkey
- Advanced ICT model for the utilities market
- Suite of software tools for urban water management
- FIRE® - advanced engine simulation software
- Improving the accuracy of carbon dioxide measurements
- Tomorrow's bipolar lead-acid batteries today
Category: Digital Economy
Digital Economy
- Synthesising haptic interactions
- Advanced programming language for global computing
- Fast resonators for mobile communications
- Optimisation of mass nano-sensors
- Software tools to support herbicide removal from soils
- Towards optimal information storage
- Knowledge market innovations for business advantage
- Interfacing ambient electronics with nature
- Telecommunications convergence towards services evolution
- Executable specifications for a higher level of abstraction
- Sensors with attogram mass detection sensitivity
- Advanced quantum device technology
- Ontology-driven knowledge management
- Advanced information and knowledge processing
- From sensing to perception systems
- Magalia: an IPv6 real time management tool
- Hardware implementations of re-programmable neurons
Category: Industrial Technologies
Industrial Technologies
European Union, 2025