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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Zero-hazard gas storage by multisensing optical monitoring system

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Optoelectronic interrogation unit for remote monitoring

The SOFO reading unit is a computerised system for static and dynamic measurements coming from remote monitoring sensors.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

Aiming to improve the safety of composite high-pressure tanks for natural gas or hydrogen, the ZEM project developed a monitoring system for verification of the tank's integrity. Using stationary and mobile applications, the followed approach was centred around an on-line monitoring fibre optics-based system. Such a system is able to provide an easy, inexpensive and detailed evaluation of the tank's structural integrity. Part of the project work involved an optoelectronic interrogation unit, the SOFO static and dynamic measurement system for remote sensing. Specifically, the so-called SOFO reading unit comprises an optical source, a mobile mirror, a photo-detector and the related electronics. Contained in a special case, the system is able to undergo the harsh environment of a civil engineering construction site. The system can be powered either by an internal battery or by an AC source and is fully controllable by an external portable PC. The SOFO reading unit offers measurements of an unlimited number of sensors. Moreover, it is equipped with optical switching units offering automatic multiplexing of different sensors. The system's memory can hold thousands of measurements that can be later downloaded into the system's database and used for further analysis. The SOFO dynamic reading unit provides measurements coming from SOFO sensors at very high frequencies. Currently, the SOFO computerised system is widely used in sub-sea oil and gas exploration, but it can also find useful applications in many domains. These include civil, geotechnical and structural engineering, as well as energy distribution. For instance, measurements of dynamic deformations of structures under variable loads such as traffic, wind, seismic, waves and evaluation of dynamic amplification factors.

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