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Content archived on 2024-05-21

Energy wood production chains in europe (ECHAINE)

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Focus and forum for wood energy sources

The ECHAINE website provides a vital meeting point for a project that aimed to double the amount of renewable energy from wood sources by 2010.

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The ECHAINE project focused on identifying and evaluating socially and environmentally friendly wood production chains in Europe with the aim of increasing renewable energy wood sources for heating and power production in the EU from 6% to 12% by 2010. Much of the success of the project will be due to a positive attitude by the public, so the ECHAINE website, dedicated to sharing information and receiving feedback, is a vitally important part of the project. The site has a general area of information about ECHAINE, a public forum for opinion, a frequently asked questions section and a list of useful references and publications for consultation. There is also a private partner area, which needs a username and password. This has detailed information about the partners, a private forum and a private planning tool for meetings and objectives. The website has innovations such as a GIS (geographical information system) application, which is being used for a cross-country analysis of wood energy sources and issues. There is also a tool for analysis of the socio-economic issues involving renewable wood energy sources. The website is flexible and can be modified for use by future projects.

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