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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Integration of dsg technology for electricity production - (INDITEP)

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State-of-the-art solar power research facility in Europe

Europe has put itself on the solar map with the establishment of the PSA DISS Test Facility in sun-drenched southern Spain.

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The idea of harvesting energy from the Sun has been around for some time. Only recently have advances in technology made solar energy more economically competitive with conventional forms of energy production. The Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme invests in Research and Development (R&D) projects to further improve the feasibility of solar solutions. The INDITEP project, for example, sought to implement Direct Steam Generation (DSG) technology in a full-size test facility. DSG improves efficiency and reduces operating costs by using water instead of oil inside the absorber tubes of the parabolic trough solar collectors. INDITEP partner Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) of the Center for Energy, Environment and Technological Research (CIEMAT) in Spain constructed the PSA DISS Test Facility in Almería, Spain. The site was chosen because of the ideal climate and intense sunshine. Subsequent testing of DSG technology at the PSA DISS Test Facility during INDITEP revealed that additional gains can be made, especially in the optimisation of operating and maintenance parameters. PSA/CIEMAT offers the PSA DISS Test Facility to organisations looking to test new components and processes related to DSG technology. This state-of-the-art facility, which is the culmination of more than seven years of dedicated R&D, will help keep Europe at the forefront of solar power research.

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