Christmas already? Why it comes faster if you look forward to it, says science
Excited about 25 December? Eager anticipation for the festive season might make time seem to go by so quickly, according to a study published in the journal ‘PLoS ONE’.
How time flies when you’re thinking of the holidays
A research team led by psychology professor Ruth Ogden from Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom (UK) revealed that Christmas or Ramadan might seem to arrive quicker each year for those who pay particular attention to time, are more inattentive to plans and fancy a good holiday. The findings suggest that a person’s experience of time is formed not only by what he or she has done, but what remains to be done. To find out how often people become aware of this phenomenon and what influences their perception of time, the researchers carried out a survey of over 1 000 people in the UK and more than 600 in Iraq. The participants were asked if they believed Christmas or Ramadan came faster each year. The team then calculated their memory function and attention to time, and enquired about age, gender and social life. “Our sense of time is heavily influenced by the ongoing events in our lives. If, like me, you get the feeling that the years are flying by, fear not, you are not alone,” Ogden told ‘The Independent’. “Our research suggests that over 70% of people feel like annual events are coming around more quickly each year.”
Anticipating or dreading?
Looking forward to an event or deadline can build a feeling of urgency. This makes time feel like it is going by in a flash. “The results suggest how we feel about an upcoming event, and particularly how much we feel we have to do for an upcoming event, shapes our perception of how far away that event is,” explained Ogden. “Our experience of time is, therefore, not determined only by what we have done, but also by what is left to do.” She further elaborated: “If we want to have better control over our sense of time, we need to ensure that we plan for the events ahead. In doing so, we will not only reduce our levels of stress, but we may also feel like time is finally slowing down.” On the other hand, reluctantly awaiting an event in the future makes time go by so slowly. “Waiting times often drag because we experience high levels of stress and most of our cognitive capacity is focused on the wait itself,” Ogden added. The stress, and the focus on ‘when’, also influences what we do. We struggle to distract ourselves from waiting because we don’t want to do other tasks that we normally enjoy to pass the time. This lack of activity, coupled with increased stress and a focus on time, makes the time drag.”
holiday, Christmas, Ramadan, time, event