Different disease transmission risks among mosquito subspecies
Most human infectious diseases come from pathogens originally circulating in (wild) non-human vertebrate animals. The path from the original host to humans is complicated, often involving an intermediate host and an invertebrate vector such as a mosquito. For example, the West Nile virus (WNV) has its reservoir in the bird community and can jump to humans if they are bitten by an infected mosquito (so-called zoonotic spillover). Traditional epidemiological models have not fully considered the diversity of interactions between different mosquito species and their vertebrate hosts. With the support of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme, MSCA Fellow Martina Ferraguti developed fine-scale epidemiological models of WNV transmission with the EpiEcoMod project at the University of Amsterdam. The models have enabled a more realistic representation of vector-host interactions that will foster more effective management of vector-borne diseases.
Mosquito vectors and models of West Nile virus transmission
Epidemiological models are essential tools that help scientists predict and control the transmission of vector-borne diseases. They simulate how infections can move from one individual to another and how they can potentially affect entire communities. “Mosquitoes are the most significant vectors of pathogens with high medical relevance for both humans and wildlife. Their distinct behaviours, ecological preferences and feeding patterns play a crucial role in the incidence and distribution of vector-borne diseases. Insect diversity has largely been neglected in other models, which treat mosquitoes as a single entity,” Ferraguti explains.
West Nile virus: different mosquitoes, different invasion risks
In contrast, Ferraguti’s model incorporates fine-scale epidemiological data and type-related characteristics of the Culex pipiens (Cx. pipiens) mosquitoes, the main vector of WNV in the United States and Europe. Cx. pipiens is the most widespread mosquito worldwide and consists of many subspecies. “My model showed that the invasion risk of WNV is influenced not only by the diversity of vertebrate hosts but also by the diversity of mosquito vectors. The specific life history traits of different mosquito types, including feeding preference and transmission rates, has a significant impact on the risk of WNV invasion in different environments. This more comprehensive and accurate understanding of factors influencing the likelihood of WNV outbreaks can help improve surveillance and control strategies,” notes Ferraguti.
From MCSA fellow to a prestigious tenure-track position
Ferraguti’s background was in empirical research so getting up to speed quickly on epidemiological theory and infectious disease modelling to tackle the WNV was a challenge. She forged collaborations with researchers and modellers from many prestigious institutions. “These collaborations and support from my network of colleagues catapulted progress, enabling me to surpass some of my original goals,” says Ferraguti. The MSCA fellowship has also been instrumental in shaping Ferraguti’s academic journey. Her work led to award of one of the most prestigious Spanish national grants, the ‘Ramón y Cajal’, associated with a five-year tenure track position. The grant has enabled her to set up her lab for the research of disease ecology and epidemiological modelling of pathogen transmission. Zoonotic diseases and their spillover into human populations present serious global public health threats, in addition to their effects on livestock and wildlife. EpiEcoMod has demonstrated the value of integrating empirical data into theoretical epidemiological models, thus enhancing accuracy and improving our ability to predict and potentially mitigate virus transmission.
EpiEcoMod, epidemiological, WNV, epidemiological models, mosquitoes, West Nile virus, vector-borne diseases, virus transmission, zoonotic, Cx. pipiens, Culex pipiens