"The common goal of all agencies involved in responding to natural and man-made disasters is to alleviate suffering. The simple basis for co-ordinated action masks a wide range of complicated activities, competing demands and chaotic work conditions. The use of GIS and remote sensing for disaster response is now well established (...) but the full potential of these linked technologies is still far from realised. The primary obstacle to effective application of geographic information for crisis preparedness and response is the lack of a clearly defined and efficient way to collect, analyse and share relevant data among participating agencies. The creation of an internet-based cartographic process, which would combine both foundation data of baseline geo-spatial and imagery data with thematic data from field missions, is a much-needed step toward the goal of more effective crisis management." W. B. Wood, US Department of State. The objective of the ISIS is to achieve a significant and measurable increase in interest and awareness in the use of web mapping and state-of-the-art geo-information techniques by NGO's. Those techniques could allow them to:
- Collect geographical information on the field;
- Repatriate the field information to the headquarters and to disseminate it to the field;
- Share information among different sections of a same humanitarian organization or between collaborating organisations.
The objective of the ISIS study is to achieve a significant and measurable increase in interest and awareness in the use of web mapping and state-of-the-art geo-information techniques by NGO's.This will be made through:
1. An analysis and an assessment of the users' needs, requirements and practices;
2. A technical review, analysis and comparative assessment of the web mapping, field GIS and telecommunication techniques.
The technical objectives of our study are:
- To evaluate the potential use of web-mapping interoperable techniques available for geographical information sharing and multiple data sources combination (including harmonisation aspects);
- To evaluate the field GIS techniques available for information collection during field operations;
- To assess the use of telecommunication techniques for geographical information transmission;
3. A broad dissemination of the associated information in meetings (e.g. GMES workshops), on the Internet (website, forums) and through publications.
Users network: In order to reach our goals a network of users is being created (MSF-B, ICBL, ECHO). This network must integrate a broad range of humanitarian actors.
Work description:
The ISIS project will last for 18 months and is divided in 5 main work packages. The work plan includes the following steps:
1. An analysis and an assessment of the users' needs, requirements and practices. MSF-B will serve as a first basis for the definition of the needs of the users network including ICBL and ECHO. The user practices assessment includes the following aspects: present use of geographical information, users procedure for acquisition of geographical information, software and hardware basis at the user level. The user requirement definition includes the following aspects: content of geographical information; scales of maps and documents; delivery time expected and needed; compatibility with internal structure and management of information; context (economical and sociological) and local geocoded information; relevance of information for global internal and external communication;
2. A technical review and analysis of the web mapping, field GIS and telecommunication techniques for field geo-information collection, repatriation, dissemination and sharing. The steps of this phase are: - identification of the key players (research projects and teams) and their actual state of development and principal future research axes; - Identification and analysis of three main technical approaches/philosophies and associated products for responding the needs of humanitarian organisations; - Identification and analysis of three leading companies and the technical characteristics of their products;
3. A comparative assessment of the different technical solutions and approaches wrt. users pre-defined criteria;
4. A users evaluation of the comparative assessment, with feedback regarding their potential use of the assessed techniques in their organisations;
5. A broad dissemination of the associated information in meetings (e.g. GMES workshops), on the Internet (website, forums) and through publications. The goal of this phase is to interest a higher number of NGO's in the use of web-mapping and geo-information techniques. An associated goal is to raise their awareness to these techniques.
Our approach is based on four dissemination tools:
- Support to EC - GMES workshops in terms of organisation and animation;
- A project presentation in electronic and paper form;
- The issuing of high-level publications related to the project objectives and results;
- The development of a special website to the attention of scientists, developers, industries, professionals, end-users and the public. It will include electronic on-line forums to ensure constant dissemination between the workshops.
Kick-Off (KO): Project management plan;
KO + 3m: Dissemination plan;
KO + 4m: Project website and on-line presentation;
KO + 6m: Report on operational needs, requirements and practices of users network;
KO + 10m: Issuing of technical survey and critical analysis report;
KO + 12m: Annual report and project presentation (glossy brochure);
KO + 18m: Final review and reporting; Expression of interest from users network in the use of web-mapping and geo-information techniques.
Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- sciences naturellesinformatique et science de l'informationinternet
- sciences socialesscience politiquestratégie politiquesociété civileorganisation non gouvernementale
- ingénierie et technologiegénie de l'environnementgestion écosystémiqueadaptation au changement climatique
- ingénierie et technologiegénie de l'environnementtélédétection
- sciences socialessociologiegouvernancegestion de crise
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