Risultati finali
It is the strategic plan report for supporting the adoption of circular economy based on TRICK vision. This document will provide a careful guidance for the applications of economic, social and environmental policies for turning the textile and clothing and food industries into circular manufacturing in 10 years. For each step of the guidance related benefits and KPI to measure the achievement of the steps will be presented. The same benefits and KPI will be applied into TRICK pilots, conveniently developed and adapted to T5.1 Validation plan definition (KPI) activities (ref. to D5.1). the lead of SIN in T1.1 and T5.1 will assure consistency to the outputs of these tasks. It will contribute in policy issues(Output of T1.1, T1.6)
Trick requirementsIt will provide platform, B2B marketplace and service requirementsD1.5 describes the functional, non-functional and testable requirements, accompanying stakeholder needs, barriers, and believes, starting KPIs for the evaluation, and the expected measurable benefits. In particular, functional requirements encompass the definition of functionalities for circular information management. On the other side, the non-functional requirements encompass privacy and security aspects for TRICK services. Finally, testable requirements are defined to drive the test and deployment of new services (for example by following check-list approach, test automation, etc.). (Output of T1.2, T1.5)
Dissemination and Communication Plan, Materials, and Reporting (final version)Updated into D7.4 ,T7.3results will be achieved collaboratively.(Output of T7.3)
Project Reference ManualIt is the project handbook with the management procedures to be applied to all project activities and results. The project handbook summarizes qualitative work material (templates) and guidelines for work. (Output of T8.1)
Architecture of B2B marketplace and addon design guidelines for addon design and developmentWP4 Services are devised to be addon software components that can be published into a B2B marketplace, according to specific requirements. In particular, the deliverable will define functional and non-functional requirements for B2B architecture by following privacy-by-design and security-by-design approaches. Further services that are compliant with the B2B architecture can be realized and published also after the project end, during its commercial exploitation. At this aim design guidelines will be delivered, in order to allow the service development compliant with the B2B architecture, quality and security requirements.(Output of T4.1)
Website, social media presence, and basic media materialD7.1 will consist of: i) Media materials including an initial media kit (logo, flyer), ii) document templates according to the logo and project image (e.g. deliverable and presentation templates) iii) user-friendly project website, iv) newsletter service, and v) social media presence to share project results in a compact format, providing news on on-going activities, achievements, events. (Output of T7.1)
Risk Management and Quality PlanThis deliverable will describe quality guidelines outlining project timing, quality procedures, deliverables production procedures and deliverable review process, together with the advanced contingency plan. About the risk management D8.2 will provide the procedure to detect, analyse and mitigate risks (e.g. risk log). About the Quality Plan D8.2 will include the list of peer reviewer for each deliverable. D8.5 will include also guidelines for software quality, provided by the Technical Manager.(Output of T8.4)
Validation planThis report will provide the methodological framework and the plan to calculate the performance parameters of both the pilots. It exploits the KPI and expected benefits defined into D1.1. D5.1 provides the guide to assess the performance of TRICK solution in real manufacturing processes and the achievements of the project objectives (including objective OKRs). (Output of T5.1)
Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclaturesGuidelines for the semantic data sharing and for the PEF studies execution. The data sharing will focus on three main axes: technical, social and environment. Ethics will be considered too, where appropriated. Starting from available standards and official nomenclatures, the deliverable will propose the ontologies to represent concepts, properties and relations. D1.4 will be able to represent other manufacturing sectors connected to TRICK pilots, which improves the adoption and exploitation later into the project.It will contribute in policy issues(Output of T1.4)
Scientific, legal and technical frameworkA report providing the Legal Framework and guidelines, including anonymization, confidentiality, authentication, authorization aspects, for environmental, social and health protection. D1.3 will provide the proper context analysis to obtain a deeper insight into real-world involving processes, places, laws, EU- norms and people for the application of D1.1. It will contribute in policy issues(Output of T1.3)
Market analysis (first version)Report exploring the analysed market opportunities. The Market analysis (Value-chain analysis, competition evaluation, market segmentation and sizing, business expectations) will define a successful strategic positioning of TRICK.(Output of T7.2)
Dissemination and Communication Plan, Materials, and Reporting (first version)D7.4 creates the detailed dissemination and communication plan(Output of T7.3)
TRICK platform architectureIt will provide the report from T2.1, the model architecture of core services, with all its core elements, modules and mapping over the use-cases. Data interface(s) will be defined. The system will meet all functional and non-functional requirements, user and application requirements, documenting the information exchange requirements among them. A secure framework to assure the security-by-design and privacy-by-design approaches will be adopted. (Output of T2.1)
Critical services, barriers, de-risking for transition from linear to circularA report describing the use cases and scenarios in a circular production process from cradle to cradle. In particular, starting from a set of requirements (collected from users and stakeholders), the deliverable will describe how circular processes (in textile and food use cases) can be implemented. D1.2 will concretize the use cases exploring the technical feasibility of the whole traceability and transparency processes into the pilots, identifying how to remove obstacles, if any. (Output of T1.2)
This demonstrator represents the backbone of the information system for circular industries. It allows to manage the product traceability along the whole supply- chains. The services developed into WP4 will exploit this platform to be delivered to the end users. The transactions on the traceability platform will be stored using the BC services developed into WP3. A report describes the development work carried out following the agreed architecture. A draft version of this demonstrator will be delivered for internal use at M24 by MS2.(Output of T2.5)
Design and implementation of client applications for BCClient applications developed in the scope of T3.5 to interact with the BCs backend. This demonstrator will contain the set of applications (built on top of provided SDK) for invoking transactions and queries to blockchain. These applications also contain business logic to address use cases specific requirements.(Output of T3.5)
Centralized backend design and implementationD4.2 is the demonstrator of the B2B marketplace, providing the backend services to publish the addons and to get the services chosen for the deployment on the traceability platform (WP2). The demonstrator also contains the documentation related to the exposed services, interfaces and publishing addons guidelines.(Output of T4.2)
It will provide the implementation specification of the of meta model(s) and validation rules, specifying the opportunities for using standards The software component object of D2.2 will be based on HOL. The Ecoystem Data Manager, implementing the defined data model based on semantics and data polymorphism.(Output of T2.2)
Design and implementation of smart contracts for traceabilityImplementation of the smart contracts that will be produced in T3.2. The deliverable will define the set of rules to govern the transactions in the blockchain. In particular, these rules are organised into smart contracts in order to ensure that each step in the supply chain is properly recorded.(Output of T3.2)
BC infrastructure design and deploymentDesign and deployment activities for the BC infrastructure: BC network design, participants, peers, core components specs, component deployment, smart contracts specs, user enrolment, authentication schemes.(Reference Deliverable: D3.1)
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