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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE



Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-11-01 al 2023-10-31

In EU a garment is worn an average of 3 times in its life, with €400 Bln lost a year discarding clothes which can still be worn and 92 Mln tons of waste, 87% of clothes ending up in landfills. But due to growing awareness on ethical and environmental impacts, 66% of consumers are ready to pay more for sustainable products. TRICK will provide a complete, SME affordable and standardised platform to support the adoption of sustainable and circular approaches: it will enable enterprises to collect product data and to access to the necessary services on a dedicated marketplace, open to third party solutions. TRICK demo will be run in 2 highly complex and polluting domains: textile-clothing as main pilot and perishable food for replication. EC estimates that up to 10% of the 88 million tons of food waste generated annually in the EU are linked to date marking, with associated costs estimated at €143 billion. Secured traceability will rely on the data needed for the preferential certification of origin (PCO), used for duty calculation. It will be certified by Customs as member of the consortium, representing anti fraud public forces. The data extracted by the fiscal documents for the PCO will be integrated with the bill of materials, saved in the Blockchains (BC) per each lot of production to grant traceability continuity, and with the additional ones to enable the six services provided by TRICK: traceability, circular assessment, PEF, health and social assessment, A.I. for anti counterfeting. BC will secure information through the whole process, ending to consumers for informed purchasing. Data confidentiality and privacy will be granted by the exploitation of Blockchains smart contracts while the adoption of different technologies will be solved by the development of Blockchain interoperability connectors between the two BC providers. End users will cover the whole TC value chain, from raw materials to recycling.

The activities of the project are based on 5 specific objectives:
• OBJ1: Roadmap for the implementation of traceability and transparency into circular industries.
• OBJ2: Service standardization, data collection and sharing for traceability and transparency.
• OBJ3: Data collection for traceability framework and interoperability of different Blockchain solutions.
• OBJ4: B2B marketplace to enable 3rd parties to provide certified solutions for traceability and transparency.
• OBJ5: To demonstrate the universality of TRICK solution to EU companies aimed at achieving traceability and transparency for economic, environmental, climate and social added-value circular production systems.
- Laying the groundwork for TRICK platform development, prioritizing research and planning to aid the transition from linear to circular. This encompassed defining use cases with legal considerations, identifying semantic models, and formalizing KPIs for the use cases defined.

- Development of the TRICK platform to manage user accounts, data management, data insertion, visualization, user interface and public API development for further expansion and deployment.

- Deployment of blockchain infrastructure for a supply chain, including designing the network, smart contracts and user enrolment, the interoperability between blockchains, AI algorithms to analyze data on the blockchain while preserving privacy. Client applications to interact with the blockchain have been developed and demonstrated.

- Developed the B2B multiservice marketplace platform for 6 services: PCO, PEF, circular assessment, health protection compliance, social and ethical assessment and AI for anti-counterfeiting. All services are available as microservices.

- Pilot implementation and demonstration activities, including the first iteration of the customized and deployed platforms for TC and food (replication) pilots, which generate the essential data for the six TRICK services. In TC, the 1st manufacturing iteration, utilizing virgin material, has been concluded. The second iteration, involving partially recycled goods, is ongoing.

- Identification of (key)exploitable results, partner IPRs, shared KERs which require business agreements. Development of the 1st version of the exploitation strategy and definition of the goals and approach for the TRICK scale-up strategy. The Industrial External Advisory Board was established, and valuable contributions were collected from stakeholders out oof the consortium.

- Development of the project’s digital identity, started the market analysis, implemented and executed a comprehensive dissemination and communication plan, contributed to policymaking, participated in working groups at national and European levels, and engaging with other projects supported by EC.

- As the project’s demonstrators and results from the pilots become progressively available, a stronger focus has been put on dissemination, support and promotion of the commercial exploitation of TRICK outcomes as well as ensuring project visibility and partners’ active participation in events relevant to diverse stakeholder groups interested in TRICK results.

- In parallel with all the above tasks, the project management has ensured the project flow by planning and setting collaboration among the partners, handled communication with EC, managed the technical quality, progress of tasks and mitigation of risks as well as the alignment of results with market needs and the implementation of data protection measures.
- The framework developed facilitates the evaluation of the project to understand its impact on the sector and contribution to circular economy through pilot results exploitation. Additionally, it promotes standardized terms across TC and Food supply chains as a reference model for the upcoming regulations.

-A significative advance beyond the SoA is achieved by using event models for traceability and sustainability, based on EPCIS standard, integrated with more information. The provided data model extends eBIZ approach. TRICK as a novelty, has been integrated with CUS platform (AIDA): this builds the fundamental pillar for interactions with other EU customs agencies, providing an important socio-economic impact.

- As a benefit associated with the use of blockchain, Trick combines innovations involving all the domains necessary to implement the expected TRICK solution: enabling the communication between different blockchains, the legal considerations to integrates smart contracts with legal frameworks, the development of the AI algorithms that analyse data on the blockchain without compromising privacy.

- A novel feature is the marketplace and the 6 modular services for circularity. These services aim at socio-economic impacts to support circularity targets, in line with the DPP and the Green Deal, key initiatives for the T&C sector in the EC

- The impact is supported by flexibility in data collection from real industrial cases, either by manual input (using a GUI) or direct ingestion from a company’s legacy system. The demonstration activities are ongoing to highlight a design-for-circularity approach.

- Validated frameworks are suitable to be shared with other research projects. Impact is expected to be achieved thorugh the final exploitation strategy, modalities of business agreements with result owners and scale-up strategy. Potential impacts are supported also by the commercialization of project results and increased value chain sustainability in the EU industry.
Relations among TRICK objectives, work plan, and outputs-enablers