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Integrated innovative pilot system for Critical Raw Materials recovery from mines wastes in a circular economy context

Description du projet

Garantir l’accès à un approvisionnement stable en matières premières

Les problèmes de fiabilité de l’approvisionnement en matières premières critiques, utilisées pour produire un large éventail de biens et d’applications, suscitent une préoccupation croissante. À l’heure actuelle, l’UE dépend de l’importation de matières premières comme l’antimoine, le cobalt et le germanium. Dans ce contexte, le projet RAWMINA, financé par l’UE, mettra au point un système pilote innovant pour la production propre et durable de matières premières non énergétiques et non agricoles dans l’UE, issues de déchets miniers. Plus particulièrement, il normalisera un processus pilote continu innovant et rentable du point de vue de l’énergie, de l’eau et des coûts pour la production de matières premières. Il contribuera également à réduire les coûts de production et les impacts sur l’environnement.


RAWMINA will develop and demonstrate an innovative pilot system for the clean and sustainable production of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (RMs) in the EU from Mine Waste (MW) resources. RAWMINA will implement and standardize an innovative energy, water- and cost-effective continuous pilot process for producing RMs. It will integrate novel bio-leaching and nano-based materials for Sb, Co, Ge and W selective recovery from MW from “unexploited/underexploited metal containing materials”. RAWMINA will improve EU competitiveness and create added value in RMs processing, refining and equipment manufacturing by developing a new circular business model as an alternative to traditional linear mining economy. RAWMINA will integrate different technologies that will be demonstrated (TRL7) with MW of diverse geological compositions from EU and non-EU mines demonstrating flexibility in processing of the innovative pilot system. The project will perform a techno-economic and sustainability assessment throughout the entire life cycle considering health, safety, socio-economic and environmental impacts; maximizing water/energy efficiency and waste/wastewater reduction. IP, exploitation and business plans will be developed ensuring market penetration, technology export and first exploitation plan. RAWMINA will transform MW into a resource, enabling marketable products recovery to be used in batteries, flame retardants, optical fibers and industrial tools. The project will create a CRM Recovery Helix to maximise clustering and will interact with local communities to gain EU citizens trust. It will increase resource efficiency and sustainability of EU industry, contributing to decrease EU CRM import dependency. Apart from sheltering the EU from possible shortages in CRM supply, the project will contribute to reduce production costs and environmental impacts, contributing to the objectives of the European Innovation Partnership on RMs.

Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)

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Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 093 260,00
08225 Terrassa

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 093 260,00

Participants (21)