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Risultati finali
Report presenting the overall organization of the GROOM RI, its possible legal status and how maritime regulations can be satisfied by the GROOM RI.
Integration of the GROOM RI at European and Global levelPolicy briefs and fact sheets including recommendations on how the GROOM RI completes the European MRI landscape in supporting frontier science, the full implementation of the EOOS/GOOS, capacity-building and innovation and integration of marine robotics on the European landscape. This deliverable will include information about robotics and technological work for outreach to the euRobotics AISBL and similar stakeholders.
Policy brief and fact sheets on the design of the GERIPolicy brief and fact sheets presenting key features of the GERI for RI events and high level workshops Update at months 24 and 36
Dissemination and Outreach ReportReport presenting all dissemination and outreach activities undertaken including an analysis of their impact. Update at month 36.
Financial sustainability at Regional, National and EU levelsReport presenting the different funding schemes of the GROOM RI at regional, national et European levels, for its implementation stage and for its sustained stage.
Whitepaper on the GROOM RI position in EOOSReport presenting how the GROOM RI can contribute to the development of the EOOS.
Technology roadmap of the GROOM RIReport on the technological additions to the GROOM RI required to reach operational status, maximizing the quality of the scientific observations gathered by the gliders fleets and other emerging technologies and ensure the integration with other European RIs.
GROOM RI scientific and technical training and capacity buildingReport and fact sheets on GROOM RI training capacities, updated from glider school latest editions and GROOM II workshops held with industry, glider users and operators, early-career researchers/technicians, and interactions with other RIs.
Data management roadmap for the GROOM RIA revised data management roadmap building on the foundations of GROOM-FP7 and OceanGliders to cope with the emerging science questions, evolving global data management landscape, and trends that emerged from OceanObs’19 including FAIR data and Ocean Best Practices.
Ensuring continued evolution of glider servicesRecommendations for building partnerships between SMEs, large industry, academics, NGOs and public bodies for continuous development of new glider data services through innovation and economic growth.
Glider services for public and private needsA description of specific glider data services (new and existing) that meet the current needs of public and private entities will be described along with the recommended methods to be implemented for each one.
Interfaces and methodologies for mission planning and executionReport presenting the work done on this WP relating to the definition of interfaces and methodologies for mission planning and piloting of gliders, long-range AUVs and ASVs. Mix-initiative methodologies with AI-related tools will be investigated and standard interfaces will be reported.
Financial sustainability with industryReport presenting the funding schemes resulting from the participation of industries to the GROOM RI and/or the use of the GROOM RI services by industries.
Final Conceptual Design Report on the GROOM RIFinal report on the conceptual design of the GROOM RI in publishable form for funding and policy bodies.
Report on the GROOM RI in contributing to statutory monitoring frameworks and maritime/naval informationReport presenting how the GROOM RI contributes to sustained statutory monitoring frameworks. Assessment of current best practice for monitoring of ocean ecosystem and health.
Best Practices for Data Management, Operations, Maintenance and Fault ReportingReport on Best Practices with about the best practices for operations, maintenance and fault reporting with their associated SOPs.
Report on plans for an EU contribution to OceanGliders, the GOOS/GCOS and EOOS, and data delivery on a sustained basisReport presenting 1) how the GROOM RI fulfils the requirements of the OceanGliders program of the GOOS/GCOS and EOOS, and 2) how the GROOM RI fulfils the data flow standard of the GOOS, the current EMODNET project and possibly the EOOS.
Dissemination and Exploitation PlanDissemination and exploitation plan that outlines the targets and strategies to be implemented during the course of the project and beyond
GERI access policy and rulesA report describing the access policy and rules defining how access to potential users from academia, business, industry and public services is regulated, granted and supported.
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