Descrizione del progetto
Finalmente un sistema automatizzato per separare i metalli mescolati per il riciclaggio
Il riciclaggio moderno ha le sue radici nella consapevolezza ambientale degli anni ’60 e ’70, sebbene storicamente la pratica esistesse in varie forme da migliaia di anni. I paesi hanno avuto vari successi nel tentativo di organizzare la separazione dei materiali prima del ritiro per agevolare il processo. Nonostante i numerosi progressi, i metalli di alto valore che sono riciclabili all’infinito vengono spesso riportati in discarica o persi nel processo di smistamento manuale, l’unico mezzo disponibile per separare i metalli in modo che possano essere riutilizzati. Il progetto OMR, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando un sofisticato sistema di identificazione e separazione dei rifiuti mescolati basato sulla tecnologia a raggi X, sul riconoscimento delle forme e sull’apprendimento automatico che potrebbe rivoluzionare il riciclaggio e spostare rapidamente l’UE verso un’economia veramente circolare, consentendo di risparmiare allo stesso tempo l’energia e le risorse naturali necessarie per estrarre i metalli da terra.
Recycling is a key battleground in combating climate change. By reducing the volume of materials that need to be removed from the ground and then processed significant emissions reductions can be achieved. Metals such as Copper, Tin, Aluminium, Gold, Silver and Zinc are infinitely recyclable if properly separated and are key elements in the global economy. Currently these metals cannot be economically recovered from mixed recycling as most recyclers do not have a sustainable solution for separation and recovery of these valuable resources. Therefore, these mixed metals currently either end up being exported to be manually sorted, sent to landfill or lost in the sorting process.
As a result, recycling rates for these crucial materials are far lower than they need to be if the EU is to meet its recycling targets and kickstart the circular economy. The OMR project will create a unique combination of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), shape recognition and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to enable efficient and economic recycling of mixed non-ferrous metals from co-mingled waste. This will turn a low value feedstock into several high value output streams which will further increase the advantages of co-mingled collection and allow it to be rapidly rolled out across the EU to help meet the EU’s ambitious 65% recycling target.
Furthermore the project will deliver a sustainable market for mixed metals, provide aerospace and automotive manufacturers with a new source of guaranteed quality non-ferrous metals, divert material from landfill, preserve natural resources, increase recycling rates and create employment opportunities as new facilities are rolled out across the EU. Recresco aim to operate 3 new sorting facilities by year 4 post project, generating €12.1m in additional turnover and creating 106 new direct jobs over the same time period.
The OMR project will therefore transform the recyclability of the non-ferrous metal containing products.
Campo scientifico
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste managementwaste treatment processesrecycling
- natural scienceschemical sciencesinorganic chemistrytransition metals
- natural scienceschemical sciencesinorganic chemistrypost-transition metals
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesartificial intelligencemachine learning
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NG17 8AP Nottingham
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