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Risultati finali
Conclusions on m20 about all supported SDKs and list of potential candidates after project end to keep extending the support of Justinmind XR to other platformsvendors
Evaluation Report FinalReport evaluating the overall project m22 This report will comment on the launch of Justinmind XR and commercialization activities the last Milestone
Successful scenarios covered by WebXR/A-Frame.Final report on m22 of all scenarios and devices covered with WebXR
Testing multichannel funnels (special SDKs).On m19 the final report about testing when XR browser support is not available in case of special SDKs for example in wavelengthslightfield devices like the use of Prismatic instead of WebXR in Helio Magic Leaps browser
Communication and Dissemination Plan (after project)At the end of the project in m22 we will have an update to the plan to disseminate the results of the project including a more detailed Data Management Policy
Communication and Dissemination Plan (along 2nd year)In m17 we will have the plan to disseminate the results of the project including a more detailed Data Management Policy There will be an update to the plan at the end of the project m22
Justinmind XR User Guide and training Material (tutorials and video-tutorials)On m21 the synchronization between Justinmind development and Justinmind XR project also include synching all the designs and training material in our website multimedia resources step by step design examples and videotutorials See also WP8
WebXR/A-Frame SDKs IntegrationsThis is key for Milestone 2 on m16 We must support a list of special SDKs without WebXR compliance We expect support at least 5 devices The idea is that a prototype has to be experienced in almost all devices
Public Release of Justinmind XR available for download evaluation and online purchase from our website wwwjustinmindcom at final milestone M3 on m22 This release will also include the reviewed and updated Business Plan for Commercialization that will evolve along the project
This technology is currently patent pending on USPTO provisional patent application and we will fill the nonprovisional application along the project and on m20 we should fill a PCT even known in Europe software patent are not fully supported This is the internal technique we have been using in Justinmind to generate our simulation cartridges for HTMLJavaScript and can be applied to easily incorporate other platforms and SDKs Not clear if we will make separate patents or just one for all jimBrain modules
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