Periodic Reporting for period 2 - JUSTINMIND-XR (Justinmind XR: The First Code-Free Rapid Prototyping Platform for eXtended Reality (VR/AR/MR) and Spatial Computing)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-08-01 al 2021-10-31
It’s our mission to overcome outdated conventions like point and click interfaces. Instead, we want to deliver a more natural and intuitive way to design and create experiences in immersive 3D environments. Yes, we’re talking about eXtended Reality (XR) environments, including Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (VR, AR, MR).
Our multi-faceted, cutting-edge approach has the goal of improving many sectors of the economy. It should help speed up the development of EdTech applications for the classroom. In turn, it would also have profound benefits for the healthcare sector, speeding up the development of eHealth apps and Assistive technologies, XR applications for the treatment of mental health disorders, and AR/VR applications for surgery, to mention a few.
In addition to these advances in healthcare and education, our goal is to accelerate the development of Human-Robot Interaction Interfaces, industry 4.0 manufacturing technologies, Cyber-Physical Systems, Real-Time collaboration platforms, Aerospace simulators, XR Data visualization, e-Government and many more applications of the future.
We did the final testing and the packaging of the product, creating the installers and the product can be downloaded from our website, achieving the final and most important Milestone in the project:
• Product page:
• Product launch post:
• Tutorial in this section in the current document:
• VR and AR prototyping in Justinmind (video):
We keep our approach to democratizing application design because we support high-end devices like Magic Leap One and very cheap headsets based on mobile AR/VR.
Our approach is completely XR, including VR, AR and MR in an integration convergence that makes a very simple start for newcomers. But also provides a powerful tool for seasoned developers with long experience in XR, shortening design to production cycle times and accelerating time to delivery.
This approach opens the participation to anyone with clear benefits for society. It’s good to remember how things happen: usually, developers or scientists have not envisioned the best software, but by users with no coding skills yet with high expertise in their domains. To solve a problem/pain that they knew well because they are suffering. We have built the most advanced Rapid Prototyping platform for XR but at the same time the most open tool to everyone. That’s why Justinmind XR is completely code-free.