Description du projet
Des laboratoires vivants pour l’enseignement des sciences dans les écoles
Le laboratoire vivant est une approche récente qui permet aux étudiants d’utiliser les espaces extérieurs pour des projets de démonstration et de recherche, des projets menés indépendamment et de nouveaux contextes pour la recherche et la durabilité. Cette nouvelle approche est susceptible de modifier le processus d’éducation, en favorisant l’implication des étudiants, l’inspiration et en promouvant une attitude holistique. Pour cette raison, le projet SALL, financé par l’UE, entend proposer la méthodologie des laboratoires vivants dans les écoles en tant que nouvelle technique pour le développement des activités d’école ouverte liées à l’apprentissage des sciences. Le projet initie un dialogue entre les communautés scolaires, les institutions de recherche, les musées scientifiques et les centres et espaces d’apprentissage ouvert; ils développeront ensemble la méthodologie d’éducation des laboratoires vivants. Cette approche nouvelle sera mise en œuvre et évaluée dans le système réel, démontrant ainsi sa capacité à changer considérablement le cadre des programmes d’enseignement des sciences dans les écoles européennes.
SALL proposes the living lab methodology as a new technique of unique value and possibilities for the development of open schooling activities linked to science learning. The project positions the technique of living labs as a new, powerful element of the impactful OSOS framework for open schooling, and demonstrates this through the use of the food system theme, due to its strong links to science education, current challenges, as well as ambitious European policy making. SALL brings together school communities, including teachers, students and their families, research institutions, science museums and centres, spaces of informal learning and open innovation such as existing living labs, as well as policy makers, and engages them in intensive dialogue, mutual learning and exchange, so as to: a) co-construct the proposed living-lab-based open schooling methodology, by building on existing knowledge and best practices as well as on the power of synergy in the stakeholder community of contemporary science education; b) closely study living-lab-based open schooling practices and their impact, through implementation and evaluation in real-life conditions in school communities in different European countries; and c) prepare the ground for sustainable living-lab-based open schooling activities in Europe’s schools after the end of the project, through strong community-building, networking, dissemination, as well as policy-oriented interventions. In this way, SALL proposes a concrete new way for schools across Europe to approach their science education programmes, in order to make STEM teaching more relevant, systemic and inclusive for their students, collaborating with their local communities and research centres, and with the active support and involvement of science centres and museums in this process.
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur