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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective

Descrizione del progetto

Dati per comprendere i fattori chiave della migrazione

La migrazione rappresenta una preoccupazione sociale e politica crescente per molti governi. Di conseguenza, una miglior comprensione dei fattori chiave e delle dinamiche alla base della migrazione è importante per garantire una governance migratoria positiva ed efficace. Il progetto HumMingBird, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di studiare le origini della migrazione e la loro interrelazione con la tendenza a emigrare delle persone. In questo intento, è strumentale il ruolo svolto dai dati migratori: forniranno informazioni di rilievo riferite a fattori trainanti, geografia, incentivi e strumenti connessi ai movimenti migratori. Il progetto intende stabilire se le precedenti politiche migratorie hanno avuto successo, valutare eventuali carenze di previsione e calcolare impatti esistenti e futuri delle attuali politiche migratorie.


The significance of migration as a social, political and broader public concern has intensified significantly. Migration is increasingly seen as a high-priority policy issue by many governments, politicians and throughout the world.
As well as migration projections and scenarios that are essential for appropriate planning and effective policymaking, a deeper understanding of the root causes and drivers of migration and of their interrelation with people’s propensity to migrate is needed. Enhancing migration data is a crucial step to advance migration governance since better data is needed in order to accomplish sustainable social and economic development and national migrant data strategies are required to inform good policies. The project’s overall objective is to improve understandings of changing nature of migration flows and the drivers of migration, to analyse patterns, motivations and new geographies. Moreover, HumMingBird aims to calculate population estimates and determine emerging trends and future trends and accordingly to identify possible future implications of today’s policy decisions. Correspondingly, migration scenarios will be developed in a more forward looking manner that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative perspectives of different migration actors that might have an impact people’s decisions to migrate and consequent trends that will have an impact on our societies. Global scenarios will base on not only a realistic understanding of the drivers and dynamics of migration but also on the effects and effectiveness of past migration policies. Projects ambitions are to identify the uncertainties and reappraise, to explore the reasons why migration predictions may not hold and to demonstrate non-traditional data sources for migration research.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 471 875,00
3000 Leuven

Mostra sulla mappa

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Vlaams-Brabant Arr. Leuven
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 471 875,00

Partecipanti (23)