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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies

Resultado final

First manuscript on trust/distrust in governance

Manuscript on the conceptual and theoretical model related to trust and distrust in governance.

Policy brief I

Policy brief addressing the main findings of WP 1 regarding the theoretical and normative underpinnings of trust/distrust and their policy implications.

Codebook for the media content analysis on trust contestations in the public sphere

This document will present sampling instructions and the codebook with codes and coding instructions

Interview guidelines

This document will include the guidelines for the interviews with the local public authorities representatives and clients claiming benefits or services both in terms of sampling instructions and open questions

Policy brief III

Policy brief addressing the main findings of WP3 regarding the mobilisation of trust and distrust in governance by social movements and their policy implications

Policy brief II

Policy brief addressing the main findings of WP2 regarding direct encounters between public administration and citizens and their policy implications

Integrated report on the role of democratic social movements

This report will present the main findings of this WP It will include findings from each country and crossnational reflections

Focus group guidelines

The guidelines used by each researchWP to conduct the focus groups

Integrated report on trust and distrust at street level

This report will present the main findings of this work package It will include findings from each country and crossnational reflections

Integrated report on trust and the media

This report will provide an integrated account of public trust contestations in the seven countries under analysis the role of journalism and fake news and potential practices to counter these problems

Responsible research guidelines

These guidelines will indicate EnTrust’s principles ensuring ethical standards, transparency and quality.


Disinformation matters. The media-experts’ perspective on fake news, trust in media and counter strategies

Autores: Georgiadou V., Kafe A., Kountouri F.
Publicado en: Science and Society, Edición 43, 2024, Página(s) 69–100, ISSN 1108-3697
Editor: Epistīmī kai Koinōnia

Difficulties, uncertainty, and opportunity: The experience of the COVID‐19 pandemic by early to late adolescence in the Czech Republic

Autores: Štěpánková, L., Fikrlová, J., Albrecht, A., Šerek, J., Brojáč, J.
Publicado en: Social and Personality Psychology Compass, Edición 17(10), 2023, Página(s) e12844, ISSN 1751-9004
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12844

Klasse, køn og mødet med velfærdsstaten: - et intersektionelt perspektiv på socialt arbejde

Autores: Anne Brus, Iben Charlotte Aamann
Publicado en: Social ulighed og klassesamfundet i Danmark, 2022, Página(s) chapter 4
Editor: Samfundslitteratur

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