Descripción del proyecto
Impacto de las TIC en la generación digital
Las transformaciones tecnológicas avanzadas tienen un profundo efecto en las vidas diarias de niños y jóvenes. En la actualidad, los jóvenes menores de dieciocho años se describen como la generación digital. Sin embargo, se considera que no todos los niños y jóvenes perciben la revolución digital en términos positivos. El proyecto DigiGen, financiado con fondos europeos, utilizará metodologías participativas para comprender por qué y cómo algunos niños se benefician de las TIC mientras que otros se ven afectados negativamente. Las metodologías empleadas en el proyecto consisten en desplazar el centro de atención desde una estrategia de «investigar sobre» a otra de «investigar con» que convierta a niños y a jóvenes en cocreadores y coinvestigadores.
DigiGen aims to develop significant knowledge about how children and young people use and are affected by technological transformations in their everyday lives. The project is organised into eight distinct work packages. It will make use of participatory methodologies that moves the focus from “research on” children and young people to a focus of “research with” children and young people as co-researchers, co-creators and co-designers. The goal of DigiGen is to understand why and how some children and young people benefit from ICT use while others seem to be impacted negatively. It takes as its focus children and young people (from 0-18 years of age), a group growing up today that is described as the digital generation (DigiGen). Through sustained engagement with the digital generation, the project will include the use of innovative quantitative and qualitative methods and in-depth case studies. The cross-disciplinary team of researchers will enhance cooperation between home, schools and the wider community to ensure safe and productive ways of using ICTs. In understanding the impact of technological transformations as they affect the digital generation, we identify a set of systems that are important in young people’s lives. These systems include a focus on family (the home), leisure, education and the wider community (civic participation). The outcome of the project will contribute to the development of explanatory models that will inform relevant stakeholders and practitioners on the long-term effects of ICT on child development and on practices that maximise risks, minimise risks and maximise benefits.
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaConvocatoria de subcontratación
Régimen de financiación
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinador
0167 Oslo