Die Auswirkung von IKT auf die digitale Generation
Fortgeschrittene technologische Veränderungen haben tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf das tägliche Leben von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren werden heute als die „digitale Generation“ bezeichnet. Es wird jedoch angenommen, dass die digitale Revolution nicht von allen Kindern und Jugendlichen als positiv empfunden wird. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DigiGen will mithilfe partizipativer Methoden verstehen, warum und wie einige Kinder und Jugendliche die Vorteile der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien nutzen, während die IKT sich auf andere negativ auswirken. Die im Projekt eingesetzten Methoden bestehen darin, den Schwerpunkt von einem Ansatz der „Forschung über“ auf einen Ansatz der „Forschung mit“ zu verlagern, wodurch Kinder und Jugendliche zu Mitgestaltern und Mitforschern werden.
DigiGen aims to develop significant knowledge about how children and young people use and are affected by technological transformations in their everyday lives. The project is organised into eight distinct work packages. It will make use of participatory methodologies that moves the focus from “research on” children and young people to a focus of “research with” children and young people as co-researchers, co-creators and co-designers. The goal of DigiGen is to understand why and how some children and young people benefit from ICT use while others seem to be impacted negatively. It takes as its focus children and young people (from 0-18 years of age), a group growing up today that is described as the digital generation (DigiGen). Through sustained engagement with the digital generation, the project will include the use of innovative quantitative and qualitative methods and in-depth case studies. The cross-disciplinary team of researchers will enhance cooperation between home, schools and the wider community to ensure safe and productive ways of using ICTs. In understanding the impact of technological transformations as they affect the digital generation, we identify a set of systems that are important in young people’s lives. These systems include a focus on family (the home), leisure, education and the wider community (civic participation). The outcome of the project will contribute to the development of explanatory models that will inform relevant stakeholders and practitioners on the long-term effects of ICT on child development and on practices that maximise risks, minimise risks and maximise benefits.
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