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It provides the mission definition and requirements for a train localisation unit the preliminary definition of Failsafe multisensor localisation system sub system internal and potential external interfaces the feasibility performances and assessed safety of life level of Failsafe multisensor localisation unit
Final Dissemination ReportThe report presents the project communication and dissemination activities results
Operational Scenarios DefinitionPublic document with the definition of scenarios of railway operation, relevant for the project.
Ground TruthThe ground truth true position of the train generated for the individual test runs will be delivered in an agreed format supplemented by a description on how the ground truth has been generated This will allow the involved parties to reevaluate the collected raw data at a later stage against the true position of the train
Definition of the Required maps for LocalisationIt defines according of the results of the different WPs a comprehensive definition of the digital map for the train localisation system
Identified Validation Certification MethodsD27 identifies the most suitable methods for validation and certification considering work from WP23 WP 26 and WP27 and taking into account the legal background D27 is the main input for D510 the prototypical certification
High Level Mission Requirements DefinitionPublic document with the definition of the high level mission requirements that are the basis for the deviation of high level system requirements.
Public project website including the dissemination of public deliverables.
Raw DataThe raw data collected with the test trains on a large number of runs over various tracks in different environments will be delivered in agreed formats supplemented by a detailed description on how the data has been collected This will allow the involved parties to reuse the data at a later stage as collecting such data requires major efforts
Project brochurePublic project brochure
Philippe Brocard, Raphael Pons, Gabriele Ligorio, Jan Wendel, Alexia Le Quilliec, Antoine Barré
Veröffentlicht in:
ION, Ausgabe September 21 - 25, 2020, 2020
Philippe Brocard, Raphael Pons, Gabriele Ligorio, Jan Wendel, Alexia Le Quilliec, Antoine Barré
* Carl Milner, ENAC, Université de Toulouse, France
* Heekwon No, ENAC, Université de Toulouse, France
Veröffentlicht in:
ION, Ausgabe 2021, 2021, Seite(n) 1-15
Carl Milner , Heekwon No
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