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New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NewTechAqua (New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture)

Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2023-12-31

As the demand for seafood has increased, new technologies have made it possible to grow fish and molluscs in inland and marine waters to avoid putting additional pressure on natural ecosystems: this is how the aquaculture sector is born. Aquaculture is the aquatic equivalent of agriculture. At the contrary of wild-caught fish, caught in their natural environment, fish produced by the aquaculture sector are raised and caught in controlled environments, in inland or coastal waters, or in the ocean. In that sense, aquaculture can be used as a method to produce more fish without endangering existing stocks, but also to restore habitat, replenish wild stocks, and rebuild populations of threatened and endangered species. By 2050, 30% more population which implies an unprecedented challenge: food systems need to substantially increase the production of safe and nutritious food, while reducing the pressure on environmental resources.
The European aquaculture sector has become increasingly important in this context. However, the sector still needs to complete the following objectives to answer tomorrow’s challenges:
o Use sustainable fish feeds
o Increase organic aquaculture production
o Improve available technologies and production systems to increase efficiency
o Increase robustness (disease resistance) and quality of fish and molluscs
o Use fewer chemicals and antibiotics
o Support the diversification of fish species and products

The main goal of the NewTechAqua project is to expand and diversify European aquaculture production of finfish, molluscs and microalgae by developing and validating technologically-advances, resilient and sustainable applications.
In that sense, researchers and partners from the NewTechAqua will test and develop new solutions to:
• Deliver solutions to improve fish and mollusc health and disease resistance: prediction models for specific diseases, kits for disease’ detection, new breeding programmes, and new diets.
• Increase the efficiency of aquaculture production systems via real-time management systems, satellite systems, and recommendations.
• Make the aquaculture sector more sustainable and circular through new diets and feed products using fish by-products, fish processing wastewaters, and microalgae, new organic diets using plant proteins to produce more organic fish.
• Support diversification of fish species by studying the reproductive cycle of emerging fish species to re-create the best conditions for raising these new species in aquaculture production systems.
• Develop new eco-friendly fish and molluscs products with high nutritional value
• Raise awareness and train professionals from the aquaculture sector by creating training programmes and conducting studies on consumers’ preferences.

With this new set of solutions, NewTechAqua will demonstrate that investment in sustainable aquaculture research and innovation leads to the creation of new value chains, markets, growth and jobs in coastal, offshore and landlocked areas.
The NewTechAqua project focuses on six categories of innovations addressing aquaculture sector challenges. By the 48th month, significant technical achievements include:

Feeds: Innovative formulations for prohealth, zerowaste, and organic feeds were tested at lab and field levels for efficacy.

Industry 4.0: Progress ongoing; precision farming solutions under evaluation for efficacy.

Genetics: Achieved multitrait genetic resistance in Pacific oyster, developed a breeding program for microalgae,the effects of high energy diets on fish health and quality of selected seabass families and a proof of concept for energy-based selection in salmon.

New Species: Made strides in greater amberjack and meagre reproductive physiology, and developed management software. Studied sole's reproductive behavior.

New Products: Validated prototypes of minimally processed seafood with high nutritional value, novel minced products from organic meagre, and functional ingredients from washing wastewaters. Tested protein recovery process.

In total, 28 Key Exploitable Results (KERs) were developed, with three main exploitation pathways proposed:

Commercial: Results at TRL7 and above with developed business plans.
Policy: Results informing policy recommendations.
Research: Outcomes from applied research, field trials, and tests.
Newtechaqua significantly contributed to obtain the expect impacts requested by the call:

NewTechAqua involved 12 industrial partners actively, fostering innovation in aquaculture. The project's solutions promise to enhance the sector's innovation quotient, with the exploitation manager aiding in commercializing the results.

An awareness campaign, supported by the Federation of European Aquaculture Farmer, emphasized the sustainability of European aquaculture. Tools like school kits, videos, and testimonials were developed. Extensive communication activities and participation in international events elevated aquaculture's reputation.

NewTechAqua focused on climate-resilient practices to tackle climate change's impact on aquaculture. Activities included AI, genetic selection, and prohealth feeds to enhance disease resistance.

Work Package 3 (WP3) delved into genetics, enhancing knowledge on aquatic animal genetic diversity with specific deliverables on microalgae, oyster, sea bass, and salmon.

NewTechAqua aims to contribute to food security by increasing aquaculture production sustainably, conserving resources, and reducing CO2 emissions.

In 2023, numerous training initiatives across European countries aimed to disseminate the project's achievements.

A dedicated document (deliverable 7.5) provides policymakers with recommendations based on NewTechAqua's findings to contribute to policy formulation.
Consortium photo from the kick-off meeting