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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

INnovation in Safety Pharmacology for Integrated cardiovascular safety assessment to REduce adverse events and late stage drug attrition.

Descripción del proyecto

Mejora de la predicción de los efectos adversos graves en las primeras fases del desarrollo de fármacos

Aproximadamente nueve de cada diez candidatos a fármacos fracasan en su intento de conseguir su aprobación. Los fármacos a menudo pueden progresar hasta la fase III de ensayo clínico (ensayos con pacientes) antes de que se manifiesten algunos efectos secundarios raros pero potencialmente mortales. Este descubrimiento en fase tardía tiene importantes consecuencias en cuanto al tiempo y los costes del desarrollo de fármacos. La farmacología de seguridad es una disciplina en rápido desarrollo que tiene como finalidad predecir si es probable que un fármaco resulte inseguro para su administración a seres humanos. INSPIRE tiene previsto hacer avanzar el campo de la farmacología de seguridad centrándose en los acontecimientos cardiovasculares. El equipo, que reúne conocimientos relacionados con el mundo académico, empresas farmacéuticas, hospitales y autoridades reguladoras, está promoviendo la innovación entre los investigadores noveles para detectar y reducir al mínimo los acontecimientos cardiovasculares en las primeras fases del desarrollo.


New drug candidates often have off-target effects resulting in adverse events, thus representing a major limitation for drug R&D. Safety Pharmacology (SP) aims to detect, understand and reduce undesirable pharmacodynamic effects early-on. Especially, cardiovascular (CV) toxicity is problematic, as it is the most prevalent reason for failure during preclinical development. Moreover, CV toxicity remains a key reason for drug attrition during clinical development and beyond. This indicates current SP screens fail to detect a number of (late-onset) functional or structural CV toxicities. Additionally, SP uses a significant number of laboratory animals, thereby creating opportunities for a better implementation of the 3Rs. The vision of INSPIRE is to advance and “inspire” SP by exploring new technological capabilities (WP1), addressing emerging CV concerns (WP2) and delivering new validated solutions for CV safety screening (WP3). To this end, INSPIRE unites expertise from academic teams, technology-providers, pharmaceutical companies, regulators and hospitals to create a European training platform for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Key innovative aspects of INSPIRE include: i) in vitro humanized cardiomyocytes assays, ii) unparalleled in vivo hardware/software solutions, iii) in silico predictions of haemodynamics, iv) mass spectroscopy imaging of drug exposure, v) exploration of mechanisms of late-onset CV toxicity, as observed in cardio-oncology, and vi) early integration of feedback from industry and regulators. Overall, INSPIRE constitutes a multidisciplinary and intersectoral training programme (WP4) with a balanced combination of hands-on research training, intersectoral secondments, local courses and network-wide events on scientific and transferable skills, enabling future R&I collaborations. Hence, INSPIRE will equip the future generation of SP scientists with a wide range of scientific knowledge and the ability to adapt to a dynamic ever-changing industry.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 768 960,00
2000 Antwerpen

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 768 960,00

Participantes (10)