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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - InterConnect (Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids)

Período documentado: 2021-04-01 hasta 2022-09-30

In the second reporting period (RP2), covering M19 (Apr. 2021) to M36 (Sep. 2022), the project built the necessary framework and supporting tools. The main issues relate to the integration of technologies and solutions in the project demonstrators.
The underlying concept of the project is Semantic Interoperability, which is the ability that digital systems have, to exchange data with unambiguous, shared and agreed meaning, a steppingstone for the implementation of the Digital Single Market. This will allow to evolve one step further from Syntactic Interoperability, as it by using ontologies, such as SAREF, and knowledge exchange mechanisms, the interconnection of different ecosystems via interchangeable components will now be possible, allowing different providers and companies to offer competitive and cost-effective solutions whilst avoiding lock-ins or closed vertical technology implementations.
Semantic interoperability is understood by the industry, also as a result of significant standardization efforts to accelerate the adoption of semantic technologies, yet it is still not well-established in practice, and needs the contributions from the project, to prove whether large-scale adoption is technically possible, desirable and long-term competitive with positive impacts on the offering of modular services and technologies. This will prove to be paramount in engaging different entities for the next generation of energy and non-energy services and allow consumers also (end-users) to be better equipped with tools and knowledge to deal with the challenges in the energy sector.
In this RP the focus was on establishing the grounds (framework, tools, services, etc.) that enable the deployment of semantic interoperability on a large scale to be tested and validated in the project demonstrators, whilst supporting the Secure interoperable IoT smart Home/Building and smart Energy system Reference Architecture.
The following objectives were set:
• Continue the development of the semantic interoperability framework and its tools.
• Create the necessary software components and modules to support the project services.
• Prepare project demonstrators with the installation of technologies and integration of digital platforms.
• Demonstrate the semantic interoperability components and framework.
• Consolidate the two main project key exploitable results: SIF and DSOi.
From M1 to M36 of the project all work packages (WP) were in progress.
Presented Deliverables:
• D1.1: Services and use cases for smart buildings and grids
• D1.2: Mapping between use cases and large-scale pilots
• D1.3: System use cases for smart buildings and grids
• D2.1: Secure interoperable IoT smart home/building and smart energy system reference architecture
• D2.2: Privacy and security design principles and implementation guidelines
• D2.3: Interoperable and secure standards and ontologies
• D3.1: Repository of SAREF-ized energy components and devices
• D3.2: Repository of SAREF-ized non-energy components and devices
• D3.3: Repository of SAREF-ized components fit for integration in Digital Platforms
• D3.4: Middle layer for machine-learning components towards pilot requirements
• D4.2: Technical specification of DSO standard interface application
• D4.3: Common DSO management and control framework for integrating standardized flexibility services
• D5.1: Concept, design and architecture of the interoperable marketplace toolbox
• D5.2: Data flow management
• D5.4: Prototype for the interoperable marketplace toolbox
• D5.5: Interoperable marketplace toolbox v2.0
• D6.1: Quality report on demonstration operations, resource use and risks and mitigation 1
• D6.2: Quality report on demonstration operations, resource use and risks and mitigation 2
• D6.3: Quality report on demonstration operations, resource use and risks and mitigation 3
• D6.4: Quality report on demonstration operations, resource use and risks and mitigation 4
• D6.7: Regular monitoring updates 1
• D6.8: Regular monitoring updates 2
• D6.9: Regular monitoring updates 3
• D6.10: Regular monitoring updates 4
• D6.11: Regular monitoring updates 5
• D6.12: Regular monitoring updates 6
• D6.13: Regular monitoring updates 7
• D8.1: Open call package of documents 1
• D9.1: Standards and regulatory bodies impact plan
• D10.1: Initial communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan
• D10.2: Intermediate communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan 1
• D10.3: Intermediate dissemination and exploitation plan 2
• D10.4 Intermediate dissemination and exploitation plan 3
• D11.1: Project Management Guide – Procedures Handbook
• D11.2: Data management plan
• D11.3: Quality and risk mitigation plan
• D11.5: Intermediate progress and financial reports 2
• D11.6: Intermediate progress and financial reports 3
Achieved milestones:
• MS1: Services and business use cases identified (M9)
• MS2: Assessment of functional and non-functional requirements finalized (M18)
• MS3: Architecture, related standards and ontologies documented (M26)
• MS4: Components SAREF-ized and integrated in Digital Platforms (M35)
• MS7: Catalogue of digital platforms, services and systems available (M12)
• MS8: Interoperable marketplace toolbox and enablers ready for pilots (M28)
• MS11: Prototypes/demonstrators proposals received in the Open Calls_1 (M34)
• MS17: InterConnect community launched (M24)
• MS19: Communication material ready (M3)
In this reporting period the project has successfully advanced on its two key exploitable results: the Semantic Interoperability Framework (SIF) and the Distribution System Operator Interface (DSOi).
The SIF departs from the same proven concept of distributed connectors, i.e. Service Adapters, but considers SAREF as ground to bring meaning to data in favour of considering a fixed data model as the interoperability agreement between stakeholders. Becoming semantically interoperable goes beyond the ability of systems to exchange information with correct syntax (syntactic interoperability) to the automatic, correct interpretation of the meaning of information (semantic interoperability). SIF unlocks a semantically interoperable interface that allows stakeholders’ services to perform control and share/query knowledge represented according to SAREF-based ontology, instead or using syntactic interfaces with strict integration and querying options limited by the chosen data model.
The DSOi plays a key role as enabler of a citizen-centric energy system that unlocks new demand side flexibility (DSF) services provided by smart homes, buildings, and communities in a non-discriminatory and transparent way. The DSOi facilitates the implementation of DSF and data-driven services, ensuring a standardized bi-directional interaction between DSOs legacy systems and actors from emerging business models such as flexibility aggregators, local energy communities and ultimately prosumers. It also establishes the ground for the interaction with new stakeholders (i.e. Data Brokers) that will create added value both to DSO and consumer.
Both concepts are being validated in the field activities of the project demonstrators and additional results are expected to be reported in the next PR.
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