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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids

Descripción del proyecto

Hacia una gestión más eficaz de la energía

El mercado energético europeo depende de la digitalización. Las normas y logros tecnológicos nuevos invitan a la proliferación de proveedores de servicios energéticos en los Estados miembros de la UE que permiten a los usuarios conocer y controlar a la perfección sus electrodomésticos. No obstante, la compatibilidad supone un problema grave, ya que el cambio de un proveedor a otro podría exigir una sustitución de las instalaciones. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos InterConnect propone una gestión eficaz de la energía en un ecosistema resiliente y práctico centrado en el usuario y regido por el mercado. El proyecto cuenta con varias partes interesadas especializadas, entre las que se incluyen empresas tecnológicas, fabricantes, proveedores y consumidores de energía. Siete pilotos servirán para mostrar un mercado digital eficaz en el que se garantice la eficacia energética a un coste menor en beneficio de los usuarios finales.


InterConnect envisages to contribute for the democratization of efficient energy management, through a flexible and interoperable ecosystem where demand side flexibility can be soundly integrated with effective benefits to end-users.
In fact, over the last few years several projects and technology providers have come up with solutions that allow every energy user to have awareness and control over his appliances, but there has always been a major issue with interoperability. End-users should be able to choose and change their technology providers, without having to replace their installation, every time they feel this need and still be able to adopt sustainable behaviour and benefit from technological advances.
In the energy sector, a steep move towards digital is occurring and becoming tremendously user-centric and market-driven. The system dimension is significant, as the number of energy service providers is increasing thanks to favourable regulatory environment and technology advancements for monitoring and control. This is the reason why this consortium integrates relevant partners from all the representative stakeholders in this new energy paradigm. Specific competences in ICT, IoT, energy, data science, software, were included and the full value chain, from R&D institutions, manufacturers, DSO, retailers, IT providers, and energy users is represented. To guarantee a higher Europe-wide impact, several relevant associations related with ICT and energy are also involved. To achieve a significant dimension, 7 large scale pilots, in different countries and with different end-users, are foreseen to guarantee representativeness and dimension in terms of number of appliances and services. The overarching objective of these pilots is to demonstrate a real digital market environment over electrical systems with significant amounts of DSF, reducing operational and investment costs that will benefit energy end-users and help EU achieve its energy efficiency objectives.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 3 224 950,40
4200 465 Porto

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Continente Norte Área Metropolitana do Porto
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 3 224 950,40

Participantes (75)