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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

XSpectra: The Most Advanced Real Time Food Contaminants Detector


XSpectra application videos

Video describing the different application of XSpectra inspection systems tested to use for dissemination and commercial exploitation

XSpectra Sales Training Kit

Delivery of XSpectra Sales Training Kit

XSpectra early field test report

Test report with statistical analysis of False Positive Alarms for different type of foods and Foreign bodies

XSpectra Operating manuals

Delivery of a set of documents will be issued to support operators for the installation and maintenance of the Detection System

N.3 XSpectra Demo Centers installed

Delivery of N3 XSpectra Demo Centers installed


A first principle method to simulate the spectral response of CdZnTe-based X- and gamma-ray detectors

Autoren: Manuele Bettelli, Nicola Sarzi Amadè, Davide Calestani, Bruno Garavelli, Pietro Pozzi, Daniele Macera, Luca Zanotti, Carlo Andrea Gonano, Matthew C. Veale, Andrea Zappettini
Veröffentlicht in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Ausgabe 960, 2020, Seite(n) 163663, ISSN 0168-9002
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.163663

XSpectra®: an Advanced Real-Time Food Contaminants Detector Number, date or frequency of the Journal/Proceedings/Book: Relevant pages: Not available ISBN: Not available Publisher: Place of publication: Year of publication: 2019 Is this publication available in Open Access, or will it be made available?: NO Is this a peer-reviewed publication?: NO Is this a joint public/private publication?:

Autoren: Authors: B. Garavelli, P. Pozzi, D. Macera, L. Zanotti, A. Mencarelli, G. Bubba, P. Bertoni, M. Sammartini, M. Bettelli, G. Bertuccio, G. Ghiringhelli, A. Zappettini
Veröffentlicht in: International Symposium on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors 2019, Ausgabe Not available, 2019, Seite(n) Not available
Herausgeber: Conference organized by IEEE

Response and spectroscopic performance of a CdTe pixel detector at deep sub-microsecond signal processing time Number, date or frequency of the Journal/Proceedings/Book: Relevant pages: Not available ISBN: Not available Publisher: Place of publication: Year of publication: 2019 Is this publication available in Open Access, or will it be made available?: NO Is this a peer-reviewed publication?

Autoren: M. Sammartini, M. Gandola, F. Mele, B. Garavelli, D. Macera, P. Pozzi, G. Bertuccio
Veröffentlicht in: International Symposium on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors 2019, Ausgabe Not available, 2019, Seite(n) Not available
Herausgeber: Conference organized by IEEE

High Order Peak Pileup Correction Algorithm

Autoren: N. Sarzi Amadè, M. Bettelli, B. Garavelli, P. Pozzi, D. Macera, L. Zanotti, C. A. Gonano, A. Zappettini Title of the Journal/Proceedings/Books series/Book (for book chapters): Number, date or frequency of the Journal/Proceedings/Book: Not available Relevant pages: Not available ISBN: Not available Publisher: Conference organized by IEEE Place of publication: Conference in Manchester, UK Year of
Veröffentlicht in: International Symposium on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors 2019, Ausgabe Not available, 2019, Seite(n) Not available
Herausgeber: Conference organized by IEEE

Spectral Response Simulator of Semiconductor-based X- and Gamma-ray Detectors

Autoren: M. Bettelli, N. Sarzi Amadè, B. Garavelli, P. Pozzi, D. Macera, L. Zanotti, C. A. Gonano, A. Zappettini
Veröffentlicht in: International Symposium on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors 2019, Ausgabe Not available, 2019, Seite(n) Not available
Herausgeber: Conference organized by IEEE

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