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Bridging the gap between Mind, Brain and Body: exosome role and monitoring

Description du projet

Relier la charge génétique de l’exosome à l’état de santé

Le projet MindGAP, financé par l’UE, étudie une toute nouvelle vision susceptible de combler le fossé entre l’état de santé et les interactions esprit/corps. De récentes études montrent que les exosomes circulent à travers le corps, fournissant des données génétiques aux cellules bénéficiaires en tant que messagers de santé et de maladie, et qu’ils sont également impliqués dans l’activité cérébrale car ils franchissent la barrière hématoencéphalique. Globalement, le projet examine la relation entre les données génétiques des exosomes et l’état de santé ainsi que le lien éventuel avec les activités liées à l’esprit. L’objectif consiste à créer un outil innovant pour analyser les données génétiques de l’exosome, ce qui permettra à chacun de relier ces informations à son état de santé. Le projet s’intéressera également à la méditation comme outil mental destiné à contrôler la charge de l’exosome liée à la santé.


MindGAP presents a radical new vision that may BRIDGE the GAP between HEALTH status and MIND/BODY interactions and lead to a paradigm shift in medicine. The disruptive idea presented herein is sustained by relevant data presented in the literature: (i) exosomes circulate throughout the body as messengers of health and disease, transporting genetic data to be delivered into a recipient cell; (ii) and exosomes are implicated in brain activity, having the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. Thus, when exosomes circulate and exit the brain to peripheral cells, there is a message transported therein, which is related to its cargo inside the vesicle. Overall, we aim to know which cargo is related to health and which cargo is related to disease. Traditionally, everyone has been looking for disease indicators to detect disease. Herein, we look for sensitive health indicators that may change under disease installation, therefore yielding an unprecedented early disease detection possibility. Moreover, the possibility of using MINDFULNESS meditation as a mind-related tool to control the cargo of exosomes is explored herein. If meditation is successful in changing the behaviour and attitudes of many people, fighting depression, etc., it means that the exosomes cargo may be changed through this process. Thus, this could be a major route to a self-healing approach before disease begins. Finally, all this knowledge opens doors to an innovative device that may be used by everyone to understand his/her health status. Overall, MindGAP targets (i) the missing relation between the genetic data in EXOSOMES and health status; (ii) interfacing this link with MIND-related activities; (iii) and to create an INNOVATIVE and PORTABLE DEVICE that TRACKS EXOSOMES and ANALYSIS their relevant genetic data, thereby allowing each individual to correlate this information with their own HEALTH STATUS and the installation of a pro-active attitude of each one of us against disease.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 105 191,66
3004-531 Coimbra

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Continente Centro (PT) Região de Coimbra
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 105 191,66

Participants (5)