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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Science in the City: Building Participatory Urban Learning Community Hubs through Research and Activation

Descripción del proyecto

Una educación científica más sólida gracias a asociaciones comunitarias

En Europa hacen falta más científicos. La Comisión Europea desea ampliar las oportunidades de obtener una educación científica en entornos tanto formales como informales. El proyecto PULCHRA, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará el concepto de escolarización abierta, según el cual los centros escolares se alían con las comunidades locales, las industrias locales y los profesionales a través de desafíos para las ciudades; los temas piloto tendrán por fin crear conocimientos técnicos, desarrollar la confianza, facilitar un uso profesional de las herramientas y apoyar la construcción de comunidades. Por ejemplo, la plataforma (tecnológica) de retos para las ciudades conectará a los centros educativos y otras partes interesadas, mientras que los estudiantes actuarán como periodistas de la ciudad para explorar y divulgar los retos para las ciudades. En general, el proyecto contribuirá a mejorar la formación de la sociedad en el ámbito de las ciencias y a aumentar su interés por ellas, así como a incrementar el atractivo de las carreras científicas.


"The PULCHRA* project will explore the open schooling concept in the theme ""Cities as urban ecosystems”, in view of creating new partnerships in local communities to foster science education for all citizens. Schools, in cooperation with other stakeholders will become agent of community well-being, taken that the theme to be explored encompasses the natural environment, the built environment and the socio-economic environment in cities. This is of great importance, taken that the urgency of cities to be approached as urban ecosystems is underestimated and limitedly linked to science education for all citizens.

The methodology is based on pilot themes (termed as City Challenges) which create know-how, built trust in the science approach based on own experience, facilitate skilled use of tools and support community building as they are based upon the identity of the communities in which they take place. A City Challenges (technological) Platform is developed to bridge partners, schools and stakeholders; mixed Science Teams and students acting as City Reporters will explore and disseminate the City Challenges respectively.

Our approach is situated in the own living environment. Engaging in environmental education has a direct impact upon the community and the personal lives of the participants. The benefit of international cooperation of the EU member states becomes obvious at the community level.

The consortium is coherent and brings complementary expertise, whereas the project is supported by a wide variety of stakeholders in the participating countries, a fact which is considered an asset of the project and shows its replication potential.

Finally the pilot themes to be explored within the project exhibit richness in science as they take note of several scientific fields as related to cities as urban ecosystems, they are supported by technology, bring in innovation and are directly linked to SDGs and the European policies for cities.

*beautiful in Latin"

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 230 000,00
10561 Athina

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 230 000,00

Participantes (11)