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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Communication materials: videos, e-Newsletters or project blog addressed to key stakeholders

Communication materials: videos, e-newsletters or project blog addressed to key stakeholders.

Project website

A public website will be the basis for the wide diffusion of project information. It will contain information on: the project (e.g. scope, objectives, time schedule, activities and results); public materials (e.g. communication toolkit, documents and videos) of the project; agenda of dissemination and communication activities.

Communication materials: press & media products

It will include: - Visual identity of the project (logo, graphical chart for project documents). - Brochure and other creative supports as required.


Documentary reporting activities and results for exhibition

TAIS methodology and guidelines

The TAIS methodology will include Methodological framework Application guidelines Evaluation procedures

Catalogue of vulnerability context

Catalogue of VCs according to its definition see D41 and the gathered information

Recommendations on the adoption of a TAIS- oriented approach

Catalogue of actororiented recommendations for the effective implementation of the TAIS methodology D34 These will be tailored when needed to specific VCs eg depending on the host community or country Recommendations will range in scope from the world level useful for instance to UNHCR to the local level with attention to European targeted to EC and country eg national government levels

Training and evaluation materials

Training materials used in ARUs to: - Identify interested stakeholders. - Identify VCs, attention and inclusion practices, and evaluation criteria. - Implement the working methodology. - Assess practices.


The CRIOS will be a stateoftheart collaborative platform It will integrate functionality for information and knowledge sharing by different actors and the related analysis tools There will be specific access applications clients to the CRIOS according to the requirements of the different actors eg VGs civil society or researchers

TAIS: definition and guidelines - preliminary version

This deliverable will formally define TAIS as effective practices ie highly scored by criteria for a given context It will describe the correspondence between VCs practices and criteria for their evaluationThis is the preliminary version fro the first test in the pilots and after the initial gathering of information

Report on the involvement of local stakeholders

Report for each ARU on Selection of relevant local stakeholders with a particular focus on civil society to promote the involvement of the host community Development of specific materials eg summaries of VG situation activities and results and activities eg visits and participation to boost their interest Evaluation of the level of involvement of local stakeholders

Requirements for the CRIOS

Identification of needs regarding software tools in the project. It includes a first stage of traditional requirements elicitation through interviews with users, and then needs extracted from feedback and observation of actual project tasks in other WPs.

Communication & dissemination plan

It will include Plans for events and publications with guidelines for publishing in open access Plan for projects media Planning of communication actions Indicators of success

Ethics Plan

The Ethics Plan will contain the procedures to be followed by all the participants. In particular, for the ARUs:: 1) Issues on data collection. 2) Interviews. 3) Informed consent. 4) Anonymity of interviewed people. 5) Compensation to participants. 6) Gender perspective 7) Multi-functional teams. 8) Regular participatory assessments with representatives of all target groups. 9) Multi-perspective analysis.

Printed materials with the project results

Brochures and reports for the project papers in conferences and journals

Work methodology and guidelines

The work methodology describes how to perform the analytical and evaluation works, and practical arrangements in the other tasks and WPs. It covers: - Techniques to gather information on refugees, host communities and organizations, and practices. - Procedures to apply the Ethics plan in refugees’ research. - Evaluation techniques. - Analysis of patterns for interaction with stakeholders. - Rewarding/valorisation strategies for stakeholders

Vulnerability context: definition and guidelines

This deliverable includes Discussion on relevant information to characterize VGs and host communities eg features values and relations Identification of relevant features to characterise a VC as the triple that includes a VG a host community and their interactions Definition of VC Guidelines for the identification of VCs

Cross-pilot workshop reports

Reports on crosspilot workshops They gather knowledge on TAISs application eg barriers and enablers from multiple pilots These workshops will be also intended to facilitate exchange between scientific and societal actors Main objective of this is to provide a critical perspective on how pilots are progressing and also to generate some initiatives on how to further improve project aspects over the duration of the project

TAIS methodology and guidelines - preliminary version

The TAIS methodology will include Methodological framework Application guidelines Evaluation proceduresThis is a preliminary version after the first testing in the pilots of the ARUs

Report on implementation of TAISs in ARUs

Reports on the use of the working methodology Selection of TAISs Adaptations Implementation of TAISs Evaluation of the impact of TAISs compared with traditional practices on addressing the needs using the criteria developed in WP7

Evaluation criteria: actor-oriented and integrated evaluation - preliminary version

This deliverable analyses the evaluation criteria for attention and inclusion practices in different VCs It will start with the criteria used by different types of stakeholders in those contexts Then it will work on the integrated evaluation criteria able to provide a single evaluation from the actororiented criteria The integrated criteria will be applied only to VCs and TAISsThis deliverable will also include Identification in reports of the stakeholders evaluation of project results VCs TAISs their catalogues and methodologies Identification of the key aspects in actors evaluation Characterisation of the actororiented evaluation criteria Identification of extreme actors positions on evaluation criteria An extreme position corresponds to a very negative or positive evaluation that could bias evaluation criteria Characterisation of the integrated evaluation criteria from actororiented evaluation criteria Report of the validation of the integrated vs the actororiented evaluation criteria through experimentsThis is the preliminary version of the criteria before testing in pilots

Catalogue of TAIS

Catalogue of identified TAISs as VCs with related attention and inclusion practices that are highly scored with actororiented criteria It will contain existing TAIS identified in literatur and practice as well as those developed in ARUs

Policy brief

Policy brief summarizing the main results and findings of the project for stakeholders

Privacy Plan

The Privacy Plan will be focused on security and confidentiality of data in the software of the project. It will include the measures to avoid any undesired disclose of information.

Evaluation criteria: actor-oriented and integrated evaluation

This deliverable analyses the evaluation criteria for attention and inclusion practices in different VCs It will start with the criteria used by different types of stakeholders in those contexts Then it will work on the integrated evaluation criteria able to provide a single evaluation from the actororiented criteria The integrated criteria will be applied only to VCs and TAISsThis deliverable will also include Identification in reports of the stakeholders evaluation of project results VCs TAISs their catalogues and methodologies Identification of the key aspects in actors evaluation Characterisation of the actororiented evaluation criteria Identification of extreme actors positions on evaluation criteria An extreme position corresponds to a very negative or positive evaluation that could bias evaluation criteria Characterisation of the integrated evaluation criteria from actororiented evaluation criteria Report of the validation of the integrated vs the actororiented evaluation criteria through experiments Report on the validation of the integrated vs the actororiented evaluation criteria in the ARU pilots

Catalogue of attention and inclusion practices for FDP in the EU influence area

Catalogue of attention and inclusion practices for FDP in the EU influence area. Practices will be characterised in terms of: - target group - objectives - requirements - type of host community - actual results - and evaluation by actors - related artefacts

Progress report - Second year

Report on the progress of the project after the second year compared to the expected plans In case of any deviation it will propose measure to address them

TAIS: definition and guidelines

This deliverable will formally define TAIS as effective practices ie highly scored by criteria for a given context It will describe the correspondence between VCs practices and criteria for their evaluation

Vulnerability context: definition and guidelines - preliminary version

This deliverable includes Discussion on relevant information to characterize VGs and host communities eg features values and relations Identification of relevant features to characterise a VC as the triple that includes a VG a host community and their interactions Definition of VC Guidelines for the identification of VCsThis is the preliminary version after the initial gathering of information both from literature and fieldwork

Research stories from ARUs: report and analysis

Crossreports from ARU reports on the use of TAISs their related problems barriers and enablers as well as their dependencies with contextual factors eg cultural political normative and legal Key elements of these stories are those related to the project results but also reflective dimensions about their context inclusion anticipation transparency and responsiveness Research stories will include traditional reports from stakeholders using templates but also multimedia productions of interviews with stakeholders and on site documentations of the cocreation processes among stakeholders

Data Management Plan

The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected, processed or generated by the research project. It will also specify the methodology and standards for the data management, and whether these data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved. The DMP deliverable will comply with the template provided by the EC in 'ANNEX 1: Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan (DMP) template'.


The Effectiveness of a Training Program based on Psychosocial Support in improving Family Empowerment level among Refugees in Jordan

Autori: Nader S AL-Refai, Noor A. Albahr, Amna F Migdady, Eman I. AL-Mifleh, Amani Shatnawi, Anas AlSobeh
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Psychological and Educational Research (IJOPER), Numero Vol 1, No 2, 2022, ISSN 2957-3890
Editore: Youth Visions Center

Social Care for the Migrant Population in Spain: Needs and Strengths of Organisations during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Infodemic

Autori: Tamara Bueno-Doral María Lara Noelia García Castillo
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 2021, ISSN 1747-9894
Editore: Pavilion Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/ijmhsc-10-2020-0097

Responsible research and innovation (RRI) as a driving force for change in corporate communication: New forms of governance and participatory structures

Autori: Noelia García-Castillo Tamara Bueno-Doral Liisa-Irene Hänninen
Pubblicato in: El Profesional de la Información > International Journal on Information and Communication, Numero Vol. 29 Núm. 3 (2020): Relaciones Pública, 2020, ISSN 1699-2407
Editore: El Profesional de la Información > International Journal on Information and Communication
DOI: 10.3145/epi.2020.may.13

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