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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental-climate measures and for valorisation of environmental public goods


Neue vertragsbasierte Leitlinien für die Landwirtschaft

Die Landwirtschaft könnte einen positiven Einfluss auf die Umwelt haben, wenn moderne Leitlinien auf Basis von Verträgen befolgt werden. Damit dies tatsächlich erreicht wird, sollten neue Landwirtinnen und Landwirte mit wirtschaftlichen Anreizen motiviert werden, damit sie ihre Produktion mit der Umweltpolitik in Einklang bringen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Contracts2.0 möchte bestehende Verträge in der Landwirtschaft verbessern und neue vorschlagen, die auf Synergien beruhen. Das Projektteam wird einen sechsstufigen Design-Thinking-Prozess anwenden, um neue Verträge vorzuschlagen und zu prüfen. Anhand einer SWOT-Analyse, die auf tatsächlichen Ergebnissen, Landbesitz und Konzepten für die Wertschöpfungskette beruht, sollen Schwachstellen, Möglichkeiten und Gefahren erkannt werden.


The overall objective of Contracts2.0 is to develop novel contract-based approaches to incentivise farmers for the increased provision of environmental public goods along with private goods using result-based, collective, land tenure and value chain approaches. Newly developed contract-based approaches are environmentally more effective, economically viable for farmers and support the longevity of contractual arrangements. Moreover, they enlarge farmers’ entrepreneurial freedom and responsibility, and are better adapted to the relevant temporal and spatial scales of specific environmental goods. Contracts2.0 improves existing and designs new contracts in rural areas to realise synergies on the ground: Therefore, Contracts2.0 adapts a Design Thinking process using a six-step iterative process of analytical and creative steps to design and test novel contracts. Further, Contracts2.0 describes novel contract design principles as well as policy guidelines to provide facilitating policy framework. Contracts2.0 activates the experience of 11 existing innovation initiatives and 13 action partners around Europe as a basis for the novel contracts. The initiatices are involved in all steps of the project and i) are pivotal in our analysis of existing initiatives in our 'innovation labs', ii) support experimental testing of novel contract features, and iii) test novel models on the ground. Contracts2.0 provides: An inventory and SWOT analysis of existing result-based, collective, land tenure and value chain approaches; a catalogue of factors facilitating and hindering existing approaches; a set of novel contract design principles; a guideline for policy framework fostering contract-based approaches and the development of appropriate agri-environmental-climate policies; a set of tailor made communication and dissemination materials for target audiences, and new cooperation and innovation networks for ongoing improvement of rural development policies and instruments.

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