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PivotBuoy - An Advanced System for Cost-effective and Reliable Mooring, Connection, Installation & Operation of Floating Wind

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

LCOE assessment of the PivoBuoy Concept

This key report will summarize the potential impact on LCOE of the innovations developed along the project The final report be issued at the end of the project but periodic reviews will be done since M6 every 6 monthsRefers to task 72

Initial Project Management Plan

Initial Project Management Plan with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It will include a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. Refers to task 1.2.

Update of reliability, Health & Safety and Environmental Assessment

This intermediate report will update the initial report with detailed identification of hazards and potential failure modes, identifying health & safety and environmental considerations. This will be issued in M15, just before the assembly, installation and testing. INTECSEA will lead the reliability and H&S aspects while PLOCAN will lead the environmental aspects. Intermediate deliverable of the tasks 6.1 (Hazard & Reliability Aspects), task 6.2 (H&S aspects) and Task 6.3 (environmental aspects). A final deliverable report will be submitted in M33 gathering all data produced along the reliability, Health & Safety and Environmental Assessment, conducted throughout the different phases of the project.

Recommendations for the installation and operation of floating systems

At the end of the testing period this deliverable will summarize the results and learning into a final public report providing best practices for the development of future floating wind farms The report will include learning gained both during the installation and commissioning of the PivotBuoy system as well as during the environmental monitoring operation and maintenance of the systemRefers to task 46

Industrialization plan for serial production of large farms

This final deliverable will provide an Industrialization plan for serial production of PivotBuoy systems for large floating wind farms This plan will bring the learning gathered in WP3 in manufacturing assembling and installing the partscale demonstratorRefers to task 35

Optimal maintenance strategies for single point mooring systems

This report will include the analysis of potential operation and maintenance strategies for single point mooring systems taking into account potential failures, weather conditions, accessibility and available vessels and infrastructure for maintaining the system. Refers to task 6.4.

PivotBuoy Project final report: results, lessons learnt and best practices for the wind sector

PivotBuoy Project final report summarising the results lessons learnt and best practices arising from the project and benefiting the whole floating wind sector This publicly available report will include a short description of the products and services developed during the project and the potential impact in the sector both in terms of LCOE as other relevant impacts eg on the environment job creation etcRefers to task 75

Test site environmental conditions

Data to characterize the test site environmental conditions including metocean data (wave, wind and currents) as well as bathimetry, seabed conditions and other relevant information. Refers to task 4.1

Reliability, EHS and environmental considerations for large scale farms of floating wind platforms with single point mooring systems

This final report summarising the work done in this WP6 The learning gathered in the project in terms of reliability health and safety and environmental impacts will be summarised into guidelines to be shared with the floating wind communityRefers to task 65

Benchmark of the PivotBuoy compared to other floating wind systems

This deliverable will compare the simulated results for the large 10-20MW systems against other floating systems. Some benchmark projects for comparison are IEA task 3 (OC4, OC5, OC6), but additional data is expected to be available on existing solutions in the coming years. Refers to task 5.4

Preliminary design for 10-20MW systems

This report will provide a preliminary design of the PivotBuoy for largescale 1020MW floating systems based on the updated design carried out on task 25 and simulations done in WP5 It will also bring the learning and experience gained during the design of the partscale prototype manufacturing assembly and installation into the new optimized designRefers to task 25

Initial Project Risk Management Plan

A project risk management plan will be created at the start of the project and updated periodically along the project including risk identification, risk qualification / quantification, risk response planning. Refers to task 1.4.

Socio-economic impact and LCA assessment

This report will summarise the potential impact of PivotBuoy technology though the whole life cycle of a project performing a LCA analysis and also impact on the local economy in terms of potential job creation local value etc Refers to task 73

Final performance assessment (operational regime and under extreme sea conditions) & model validation

This deliverable will include the validation of the numerical models with experimental data from the 13 tests at sea Comparison between numerical results to the experimental data eg motions loads turbine behaviour etc will be performed to validate and finetune the numerical simulation modelsRefers to task 55

Final Reliability, Health & Safety and Environmental Assessment of PivotBuoy system

This final report issued in M33 just after the decommissioning will update the previous report with the results regarding reliability aspects identification of hazards and potential failure modes and corrective actions health safety and environmental considerations during the manufacturing assembly installation and testingINTECSEA will lead the reliability and HS aspects while PLOCAN will lead the environmental aspectsIt is the final deliverable of the tasks 61 Hazard Reliability Aspects task 62 HS aspects and Task 63 environmental aspects

Project videos

A video will be produced to present the final project results to the interested public In M12 WAVEC will produce a first video introducing the technology goals challenges and deliverablesRefers to task 85

End of Project workshop

Engagement event with target stakeholders summarising and profiling the PivotBuoy project The final report will also summarise the general outcomes of the Stakeholder consultation meetingsRefers to task 84

Project website

Launch of the project’s website which will be the central communication tool during the project. Refers to task 8.2.

Techno-economic model

This deliverable will include a report describing the techno-economic model which will be built for the assessment of PivotBuoy concept. Refers to task 7.1

Identification of failure modes and initial reliability, Health & Safety and Environmental Assessment of the PivotBuoy System

A preliminary report with the initial Hazard Idenfication (HAZID) and potential failure modes. It will also include initial Health & Safety and environmental considerations to make sure this important aspects are considered early in the design process. INTECSEA will lead the reliability and H&S aspects while PLOCAN will lead the environmental aspects. It is the initial deliverable of the tasks 6.1 (Hazard & Reliability Aspects), task 6.2 (H&S aspects) and Task 6.3 (environmental aspects). An intermediate report will be issued in M15, prior to the assembly and installation to update the initial assessment.


Next steps for the PivotBuoy proven concept to reduce the LCoE of Floating Offshore Wind

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, XEO, X1 Wind María Verges, Systems Engineering Manager, X1 Wind Guillermo García, Offshore Engineer, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944295

How can an innovative single point mooring system reduce the LCOE of Floating Offshore Wind? A showcase of recent outcomes from the PivotBuoy project (for UK)

Autores: Joao Neves, Strategy & BD Director, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2022
Editor: Floating Offshore Wind
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7945149

PivotBuoy®: An advanced system for cost-effective and reliable mooring, connection, installation and operation of floating wind

Autores: Alex Raventos, CEO & Co-founder, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Wind Europe 2019 2 - 4 April, Bilbao

How can an innovative single point mooring system reduce the LCoE of Floating Offshore Wind? A showcase of recent outcomes from the PivotBuoy project

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, XEO, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Jornadas Técnicas ENERMAR
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944361

Proyecto PIVOTBUOY: demostración de un sistema avanzado para la reducción de coste de la eólica en aguas profundas

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, XEO, X1 Wind María Verges, Systems Engineering Manager, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Jornadas Técnicas ENERMAR
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7941892

Development of an innovative Single Point Mooring System to reduce the LCoE

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, XEO, X1 Wind María Verges, Systems Engineering Manager, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944248

A case Study of a Single Point Mooring system with a TLP

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2023
Editor: Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944545

Preliminary assessment of yaw alignment on a single point moored downwind floating platform

Autores: Albert M. Urbán, DTU Laura Voltà, DTU W. H. Lio, DTU Rocio Torres, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2018/1/012043

A weathervanning solution to decrease the LCOE of floating offshore wind

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2022
Editor: WindEurope
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944497

How can an innovative single point mooring system reduce the LCOE of Floating Offshore Wind? A showcase of recent outcomes from the PivotBuoy project (for USA)

Autores: Joao Neves, Strategy & BD Director, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2022
Editor: Floating Wind Solutions
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944522

PivotBuoy: Single Point Mooring wind turbine floating platform numerical modelling and verification

Autores: Albert Meseguer, DTU Carlos Casanovas, X1 Wind Christos Galinos, DTU Rocio Torres, X1 Wind Katherine Dykes, DTU
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Wind Europe 2019 26 - 28 November, Copenhagen

Development of a Second Generation Floating Platform for Offshore Wind

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, CEO, X1 Wind María Verges, Systems Engineering Manager, X1 Wind Rocío Torres, Dynamic Analysis Engineer, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7945103

Development of a Cost-effective and Reliable Mooring System for Floating Offshore Wind

Autores: Carlos Casanovas, CTO, X1 Wind Alex Raventos, XEO, X1 Wind Hedy Mahmoudi, BD Analyst, X1 Wind Rocío Torres, Dynamic Analysis Engineer, X1 Wind
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: WindEurope
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7944245

Derechos de propiedad intelectual


Número de solicitud/publicación: 18 746288
Fecha: 2018-06-19


Número de solicitud/publicación: M 3730903
Fecha: 2018-08-03

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