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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning


Die Verwaltung von 5G-Netzen mithilfe von maschinellem Lernen nahtlos optimieren

Das maschinelle Lernen ist ein Teilbereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), bei dem Algorithmen und statistische Modelle eingesetzt werden, um Muster in Daten zu analysieren und daraus Schlüsse zu ziehen, womit ein System ohne ausdrückliche Anweisungen lernen, sich anpassen und „Entscheidungen treffen“ kann. Da drahtlose Kommunikationsnetze immer komplexer werden und exponentiell wachsende Datenmengen verwalten müssen, bergen auf maschinellem Lernen beruhende Netzverwaltungs- und Optimierungsinstrumente das Potenzial, Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit erheblich zu verbessern. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen wird im Rahmen des Projekts WINDMILL ein Ausbildungsnetz zur Integration von drahtloser Kommunikation und maschinellem Lernen für 5G-Netze und andere Technologien aufgebaut.


With their evolution towards 5G and beyond, wireless communication networks are entering an era of massive connectivity, massive data, and extreme service demands. A promising approach to successfully handle such a magnitude of complexity and data volume is to develop new network management and optimization tools based on machine learning. This is a major shift in the way wireless networks are designed and operated, posing demands for a new type of expertise that requires the combination of engineering, mathematics and computer science disciplines. The ITN project WindMill addresses this need by providing Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) with an expertise integrating wireless communications and machine learning. The project will train 15 ESRs within a consortium of leading international research institutes and companies comprising experts in wireless communications and machine learning. This a very timely project, providing relevant inter-disciplinary training in an area where machine learning represents a meaningful extension of the current methodology used in wireless communication systems. Accordingly, the project will produce a new generation of experts, extremely competitive on the job market, considering the scale by which machine learning will impact the future and empower the individuals that are versed in it. The project will also nurture the sense of responsibility of the ESRs and the other participants through personal engagement in the training program and by promoting teamwork through collaborative joint projects.


€ 595 044,00
9220 Aalborg

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Danmark Nordjylland Nordjylland
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 595 044,00

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