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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level

Description du projet

Aider les municipalités à faire des économies d’énergie

Les municipalités sont un élément essentiel dans la transition énergétique. Elles sont proches des citoyens et coopèrent avec les parties prenantes locales. Sur le plan énergétique, les municipalités peuvent réduire la consommation d’énergie dans leurs propres installations et garantir que l’énergie fournie aux consommateurs locaux est sûre et abordable. Dans leur rôle de régulateurs locaux, les municipalités peuvent mettre en œuvre des lois et des règlements pour prendre davantage de décisions favorisant l’efficacité énergétique. Le projet MULTIPLY, financé par l’UE, impliquera des municipalités dans le cadre de concours nationaux visant à apparier des villes précurseurs dans le domaine de la planification urbaine intégrée avec des villes engagées. Dans le cadre d’un programme d’apprentissage entre pairs, 24 villes engagées élaboreront des plans énergétiques pour le développement énergétique efficace d’un site modèle au sein de leur territoire.


The proposed project aims to engage public authorities through a competition and to develop a targeted peer-to-peer learning program, to increase the uptake of cross-sectoral integrated urban planning at district level. The consortium is composed of 7 competent partners from countries covering different socio-economic and geographical areas of Europe, 6 of whom will implement all the project activities in their country, while the last partner, including its linked third party, serves as a supporting expert.
National competitions for municipalities will enable the matching of forerunner cities in the field of integrated planning with committed cities, based on their excellence as well as outstanding ambitions. This transparent and innovative matching procedure will help to promote the contents of the project and to activate municipalities. The following peer-to-peer learning program, including a total of 42 municipalities will increase the capacities of municipal politicians, technical planning staff and communications representatives to effectively plan, finance, communicate and implement the energy transition. Targeted workshops will address the specific needs of these groups. The partners will draw on their broad experience to enrich, guide and moderate the peer-exchanges. With their increased capacities, 24 committed cities will develop institutionalised Energy Plans for the energy efficient development of one model district in their territory. The program also includes a European exchange dimension, to connect municipal authorities across the EU. The knowledge gained during this program will be disseminated by the consortium to further multiply the number of integrated planning projects for energy efficiency.
MULTIPLY will contribute to the expected impact, triggering energy savings of around 177GWh/year and the production of renewable energy of around 80 GWh/year. It will link 42 municipalities across Europe and directly reach an estimated 960 municipal professionals with its learning programs.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 513 385,00
78315 Radolfzell

Voir sur la carte

Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Konstanz
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 513 385,00

Participants (9)